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Shixako Mate Raja Matenaa Tamaam Niyamo

Shixako Mate Raja Matenaa Tamaam Niyamo: Oursite provides information about all types of new jobs, academic news and competitive exam materials in Gujarat and India. From here you can get different jobs. Such as graduate jobs, engineer jobs, diploma candidate jobs, MBA jobs, low job and various other jobs. Our site is famous for the preparation of competitive exams. We provide complete examination material for examination conducted from TET, HTAT, TAT, Police Examination, Clerk Examination, GPSC Examination, Panchayat Clerical Examination and other Gujarat Levels

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The evidence is in: employee experience drives business success. So it’s time to make happiness a business priority.

The recipe for staff happiness is – no surprises – a complex one. You can offer all the free lunches and perks you like, but if your customer service team isn’t feeling generally satisfied and fulfilled in their roles, it won’t matter how many bells and whistles the staff coffee machine has.

It turns out that happiness is good business strategy. With employee experience (EX) increasingly recognised as a key ingredient of CX, how your team feels in their job is not something you can afford to ignore. Afterall, unhappiness infects all those other key performance areas that customer service agents should be focused upon.

For example, unhappy reps might be less inclined to go the extra mile for a customer and give them the kind of experience that really cements brand loyalty. Doing the bare minimum might get the boxes ticked, but it doesn’t create the kind of CX you want your business to be known for.

Unhappy employees also have a way of creating a negative energy among other members of the team, derailing or undermining opportunities for successful brainstorming and collaboration

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1 Comments "Shixako Mate Raja Matenaa Tamaam Niyamo"

I have just joined granted school We have to submit our medical report in a month so for medical what kind of leave should I get? Is it CL or DL or LWP??

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