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Now you can download MyGov Corona Certificate Helpdesk WhatsApp Chatbot.

Now you can download MyGov Corona Certificate Helpdesk WhatsApp Chatbot.

The announcement was made by the government early last year. Learn step-by-step how to download Corona Vaccine Certificate via WhatsApp.

12 થી 14 વર્ષના ઉંમરના બાળકોને 16 માર્ચ થી કોવીડ વેકસીન બાબત ન્યુઝ

લેટેસ્ટ પરિપત્ર શિક્ષકોને બુસ્ટર ડોઝ આપવા માટેનો પરિપત્ર ડાઉનલોડ કરવા અહીં ક્લિક કરો 
All you have to do is save the MyGOV Coro Helpdesk WhatsApp number to your smartphone. This number is 9013151515.

Now you can download MyGov Corona Certificate Helpdesk WhatsApp Chatbot.

After saving the number, open WhatsApp

Bridge app as before.

Then go to the chat list and search for contacts.

which state the vehicle belongs to.

કોરોના વેક્સિન સર્ટિફિકેટ વિડીયો

Open the chat box of that number and type the download certificate here.

The WhatsApp chatbox will then send a six digit OTP to your registered mobile number.

Check OTP and enter.

The eagle chatbox will then send the Corona vaccine certificate to your WhatsApp. You can download it from here.

If you find an error in WhatsApp here, you can download it from CoWIN Portal and Health Bridge app as before.


Now it's easier to get a Corona vaccine certificate

This is how the certificate will be found on WhatsApp

Learn the whole process here

After saving the number, open WhatsApp.

Then go to the chat list and search for contacts.

Check OTP and enter.

COVID Certificate is the official app for storing and presenting Swiss COVID certificates. It is developed by the Federal Office of Information Technology, Systems and Telecommunication FOITT on behalf of the Federal Office of Public Health.

In Switzerland, people who have been vaccinated, or who have tested negative or recovered from COVID can apply for a COVID certificate.

COVID certificates are issued in hard copy or electronic format serve as proof of:


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હવે આટલા વર્ષ સુધીના બાળકો માટે વેક્સિન ને આપી મંજૂરી તા ૧૪/૦૩/૨૦૨૨…..અહી ક્લિક કરો

1. Vaccination against COVID-19
2. Recovery from Sars-CoV-2 infection
3. A negative result following Sars-CoV-2 test analysis

How the app works

When the app is first launched after installation on the mobile device, a brief introduction provides information on how to use it and how to scan a hard-copy COVID certificate.

In the app, the required COVID certificate can be selected, and presented if desired. The app shows whether, from when and for how long the COVID certificate is valid. All data contained in a certificate's QR code can also be displayed.

It is possible to store several COVID certificates in the app, e.g. for family members, or several COVID test certificates.


OTP આવે તે એન્ટર કરો

ડાઉનલોડ કરો સર્ટીફિકેટ

Use of the COVID Certificate app is voluntary and free of charge.

Check a COVID certificate yourself

You can use the app to check a saved COVID certificate yourself. This verification process checks the electronic signature of the certificate and compares the certificate's validity period with the current date. These are the same checks that are used for the verification of certificates in the COVID Certificate Check app.

અહીંથી મેળવોવેક્સિન લિધાનું સર્ટીફિકેટ તમાર વોટ્સએપમા

ડાઉનલોડ સર્ટિફિકેટ ટાઈપ કરો.

ત્યાર બાદ વોટ્સએપ ચેટબોક્સ તમારા રજીસ્ટર્ડ મોબાઈલ નંબર પર સિક્સ ડિજિટ OTP સેન્ડ કરશે.

OTPને ચેક કરો અને એન્ટર કરો.

ત્યાર બાજ ચેટબોક્સ તમારા વોટ્સએપ પર કોરોના વેક્સિન સર્ટિફિકેટ સેન્ડ કરશે. અહીંથી તમે તેને ડાઉનલોડ કરી શકો છો.

Data protection is a top priority

COVID certificate data is stored solely on the mobile device. COVID certificates are protected by a digital seal (signature) and are thus forgery-proo

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Tag : Corona

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