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Social media viral video 2021 –

Social media viral video: So let’s know how to rank YouTube Video, that is, to get maximum views on the video or can also say what things we have to pay attention to make the video viral.

Here we will understand things from basic to advanced to play YouTube video. In which some things you may already know and some may not.

youtube video ko viral kaise kare
As you all know that the quality of the content of your video should be better first, like the sound of the video should be sharp and clean so that anyone can open your video in the mobile and watch the air phone in the ear Do not have to apply.

You can make a good video, but if people have to put an air phone in the ear due to its low voice, then only 40 out of 100 people will see your video.

For the video to be in Full HD, the quality of your mobile camera must be good or there should be a separate camera.

In addition to the good things mentioned in the video, the quality of the picture is also good, so the watchers and watch with fervor.

To make YouTube video viral, the length of your video must be at least 5 minutes or above, and what you are telling in the video should be understood by the people, there should not be stupid or boring things. Inside the video.

મુંબઈ સ્થિત ભજન કાર્યક્રમમાં લોકગાયિકા ગીતા રબારી પર રૂપિયાનો વરસાદ થયો હતો.

આ કાર્યક્રમમાં મોટી સંખ્યામાં લોકો ઉપસ્થિત રહ્યા હતા. કાર્યક્રમનો વિડીયો વાયરલ થયો છે


જ્વાળામુખી વિસ્ફોટ અને સુનામીનો VIDEO

Search on YouTube on any topic on which you are going to make a video, and see other videos related to that topic which have maximum views, and try to see what they have told you then in your video. Explain things that are better and easier to understand.

copyright free content
Video should not have copyright background songs or images. There are many websites for free image or song from where you will be able to use them for free. You can filter and download songs from the YouTube library itself to use for free.

Research keywords for YouTube video thoroughly, you will get many free tools for this, and I will adjust you to remove the keyword for your video from google keyword planner tool.

Because Video also has to have

ગેસ સિલિન્ડર ઉપાડવા માટે યુવકે કર્યો એવો જુગાડ તે વિડીયો થયો 

Video Player

 લેટેસ્ટ ટેકનોલોજી
Video Player

વિદેશમાં આપણી ભારતીય સંસ્કૃતિ અપનાવી રહ્યાં છે અને આપડે ફોરેનની વિડીયો જુઓ

👉 વિદેશના લોકો આપણી ભારતીય સંસ્કૃતિ અપનાવી રહ્યાં છે અને આપડે ? જુઓ આ ફોરેનના વિડીયો

keywords, YouTube will make your video as the second one as well as it will also come in search.

And to be viral, it is very important for the video to come at the top of the search or second.

Main Keyword will remain in your title, it should also be in the video description and also in the tag, then relate it and remove the Keyword and then put it in the tag as well as mention it while writing the description.

Put at least 15 keywords in the tag as well as the name of your YouTube channel as Keyword.

youtube video title, tags, description
Write things related to the video in the Video Description and keep mentoring the keywords in the same things.

Be it the description, be it the title, or type the keyword once, then enter the related keywords from it.

Give a link to your other video in the description, if you are telling about a website or application in the video, then give a link to that website or application in the description.

Now let’s talk about Video Thumbnail, Thumbnail should be such that people click on seeing it, but the thing to note is that people are clicking on your video but after clicking, they see at least 70% Your video too, only then your video will play.

Because you made Thumbnail very good, click also started happening but after clicking a little video, the viewer comes back, then it will have the reverse effect on your video and YouTube will put your video in the garbage heap.

Also read: – How to earn money from Earn money from youtube Youtube

apna video viral kaise kare – video viral karne ka tarika
That is to say, make the video such that if anyone clicks on it, then see more than half of that video.

Because when people will see more than half of your video, then this will send a message to YouTube that your video is knowledgeable.

Then YouTube will start putting that video in the browse feature on the list.

If YouTube adjusts your video to 100 people and 20 out of 100 people also click on it and watch it for maximum time, then next time YouTube will send your video to 200 people.

And by doing this, your video will continue to move forward.

Video viral kaise kiya jata hai – video viral karne ka tarika
And later on it may be your views on your video in millions or crores and this is called the viral of the video.

Conversely, if your video does not have power and you have made Thumbnail very good on which people click but do not watch, then in such a way YouTube will push that video back and also the impression coming on your video. Will block Social media viral video

And then when you put the next video, it will also get a very small impression because the impression of your previous video was blocked by YouTube. Social media viral video

Due to your one bad video, you may suffer a lot of damage, so try to make a lot of effort in whatever video you make here: Exam Notification, Exam Date, Exam Fees, Syllabus, Online Application Process, Exam Preparation Tips, Exam Study Material (General Knowledge-GK, Current Affairs , Gujarati and English Grammar, Mathematical Reasoning so Daily visit my site is All in one Education information website, like primary Education paripatra & GR, std 1 to 8 all material, textbook, adhyayan nishpattio, Teachers Edition, Timetable, sce patrako, xamtao, pragna material all information so Daily visit This Site for More Updates
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