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Silent Ration Card Par Karyavahi Karva Babat

Silent Ration Card Par Karyavahi Karva Babat

Ration card or ration stamp is a card issued by a government. It makes it easier for the cardholder to receive food or other items that may be available in small quantities during war or any other emergency when rationing has been applied.

It has been implemented on both sides even after the end of the war, when Mashrabian's efforts have gradually returned to normal. The ration stamp is also brought to the dealer to keep the necessary food grains at any time.

The Ration card which has not taken the quantity of items on the ration card for the last several months has been declared as "Silent Ration Card". By 31/08/2021, for such ration card, by going to Mamlatdar office or public service supply department and submitting Aadhar card link and bank account details of all family members, the ration card will be started. Such ration card will become non-NFS after 31/08/2021 which should be noted.

The reason for this is to try that no one person has the official opportunity to deposit more food grains than another person.

Ration card Indian subsidized rate used mainly for the purchase of food and fuel(LPG and kerosene).It is used to provide proof of identity to the poor and government database.

An important sustenance for a connection with is the equipment. India's Public Distribution System (PDS) operates on the basis of ration cards, including its functions of identification, eligibility, and entitlement.

ગુજરાતી માં વાંચવા અહીં ક્લિક કરો
Ration card is a government approved document which helps you to buy items like food, food grains, kerosene etc at subsidized rates. Ration card has been extremely helpful for those people who are not so economically prosperous or belong to Below Poverty Line (BPL) group and will find it difficult to buy food items.

Apart from this, the ration card also serves as a proof of identity and address and can be used for purposes like applying for domicile certificate, voter ID card etc.

Ration card types

Above Poverty Line (APL) ration cards which are issued to the families living above the poverty line.

Below Poverty Line (BPL) ration cards are issued to families living below the poverty line.

Antyodaya Anna Yojana (AAY) - Ration cards issued to the "poorest of the poor" families.

Priority Household (PHH) Ration Card – This card is issued to those families who fulfill the eligibility criteria set by the state governments. Every family that has a priority ration card is entitled to 5 kg of food grains per month per member.

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