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Free Learning App for Classes 1st - 12th all subjects as per CBSE & State Boards

The iDream Learning App is a free educational app which offers enjoyable and interactive educational content in Hindi Medium and local languages for 1st to 12th.

*Please note that in Hindi medium all classes and all subjects are thoroughly covered but for other local languages and state boards, we have put everything that we could manage for now, and we will be soon adding more content, subjects and more classes in local languages and state boards.

We had launched the app so that during lockdown, at least whatever is available should reach our local language students. Therefore, please keep using whatever content is already there in local languages and we will keep working to extend the coverage for you.

We had launched the app so that during lockdown, at least whatever is available should reach our local language students. Therefore, please keep using whatever content is already there in local languages and we will keep working to extend the coverage for you.

Free Learning App for Classes 1st - 12th all subjects as per CBSE & State Boards

The educational app covers the below mentioned Boards and Language mediums for now:

1. CBSE in Hindi Medium
2. Maharashtra State Board in Marathi, Hindi Medium
3. Chhattisgarh State Board in Hindi Medium
4. Himachal State Board in Hindi Medium
4. MP State Board in Hindi Medium
5. UP Board in Hindi Medium
6. Haryana Board in Hindi Medium
7. Gujarat Board in Gujarati, Hindi Medium
8. Rajasthan Board in Hindi Medium
9. Bihar State Board in Hindi Medium
10. Jharkhand State Board in Hindi Medium
11. Uttarakhand Board in Hindi Medium
12. Delhi Education Board in Hindi Medium
13. Orissa State Board in Oriya & Hindi Medium
12. West Bengal State Board in Bangla & Hindi Medium

Currently, the iDream Learning App covers following subjects in Hindi medium:

1. Math
2. EVS
3. Science (PCB)
4. Social Sciences ( History, Civics, Geography, Political Science)
5. English Grammar
6. Hindi Vyakaran
7. Computers
8. All Commerce Subjects (Economics, Accounts, Business Studies)

In other languages, Math and Science are covered for most classes and rest shall be added as per availability in the coming times. But at least some content will be available.

Free Learning App for Classes 1st - 12th all subjects as per CBSE & State Boards

Types of Digital Content in the Learning App

Video Lessons for Concept Clarity

Toys and Activities for making interesting projects at home

Books & Stories to read digital books

Life Skills through videos on health, hygiene and holistic development

Practice Questions with live topic mastery

Tests with Instant scores and Self Review

About iDream Education

iDream Education is a social ed-tech organisation with a vision to facilitate access to enjoyable & personalised digital learning to every student in the language that they learn in. We have been awarded by Google India and Yes Foundation for” “Impacting Change through Digital”.

Now, with the iDream Learning App we wish to nationally serve all the students in Hindi medium and local languages whom we can reach and empower.

Free Learning App for Classes 1st - 12th all subjects as per CBSE & State Boards

Use the iDream Learning App to happily learn and access the unlimited growth possibilities that digital education on mobiles can bring to your lives. You can skill yourself and achieve anything you wish to, with the power of digital.

iDream Learning App અહીંથી ડાઉનલોડ કરો

The iDream Coach App empowers you to integrate the iDream Learning App to your teaching methodology and guide your students to use personalized digital content including animated video lessons, STEM Projects, books, and Life Skills.

As your digital teaching supplement, iDream Coach enables you to:

Create your Digital Class and Batches - You can easily create batches in the app as per the subjects and classes that you teach

Add your students to your Classes/Batches - via your unique class code and sharing link, invite your students to join your digital class.

Empower your students with rich Digital Content - Your students will get access to rich digital content including animated videos, STEM Projects, Digital Books and Life Skills on the iDream Learning App

Assign Content of all types - Touch and Assign any content to all or selected students in a class to personalize your guidance

Get Student Reports and Usage Outcomes - All usage data of your students shall come to an easy to view report section in your Coach App here: Exam Notification, Exam Date, Exam Fees, Syllabus, Online Application Process, Exam Preparation Tips, Exam Study Material (General Knowledge-GK, Current Affairs , Gujarati and English Grammar, Mathematical Reasoning so Daily visit my site is All in one Education information website, like primary Education paripatra & GR, std 1 to 8 all material, textbook, adhyayan nishpattio, Teachers Edition, Timetable, sce patrako, xamtao, pragna material all information so Daily visit This Site for More Updates

Important: Please always Check and Confirm the above details with the official website and Advertisement / Notification.
Tag : Application

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