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Employees can no longer be sent to Gandhinagar for higher pay scale

Employees can no longer be sent to Gandhinagar for higher pay scale



The root of all conflicts in the world is that we give less and demand more. Whereas it should be that we give more and do not keep at all, or keep less than we can. Love and service are no deeds and our nature should become.

In the world, no karma is wasted, something comes out of it. One of the biggest advantages of Nishkam Sewa is that we do not become an enemy. Each moment we are filled with joy and joy.

The amount of revenge you get from complaining to someone is many times more than what is asked. There is no value for pleasure arising out of love. Expectation is bondage, expectation makes life independent, salvation is the most independent of mind.

One who lives in love flourishes.
The one who is separated from love falls apart.

The knowledge that Gokarna gave while teaching Srimad Bhagwat Ji to Father Atma Dev is very amazing. Every creature in the world is looking for happiness. Whether it is rank, wealth, prestige or anything else, the desire for happiness is at the core of everyone.

Gokarna ji says father only two types of people can really experience happiness. The first one who is disgusted. Here despotism does not mean leaving everything in the forest. Disobedience means not having any kind of expectation from anyone.

Nobody makes us cry, our desire makes us cry. Nobody bothers us, we are upset because of our attachment and desire. The day we renounce attachment, then no one can grieve us. Leave hope and once, because of which you are grieving times.

While talking about the nature of the shortcomings of others throughout the day, we waste our time only because of this our own resolving power is also weakened. While discussing people with wrong conduct, the mind also creates the impression that the world is full of bad people, they also walk on the discrete path.

Prepare your life for auspicious purposes and auspicious resolutions. People who are engaged in creative, creative work do not get the time to see the evil and faults of others.

All the great people in the world who became scientists, artists, painters, poets, litterateurs and scientists were able to succeed only because they were constantly engaged in their rituals every moment. You too can give a lot to the world. What you can give, now you know this yourself.

Hello sir
You will be well
Sir, I have some discussion with you
Currently the schools are merging .... According to the new education policy, if the number of 6 to 8 is less than 45, it will be included in the big school ... If the government says that, sir, most of the schools will be closed and vice versa. It will happen that parents will either pick up the children or put them in a private school. In both cases there is a complete digestive tract.
Sir, if we do not think seriously about these issues or do not protest, the very existence of teachers and government schools will be endangered.
Changed first ... For the purpose of getting benefit after 10 years .. Filled the form .. Now the rule will be brought that if the number is less than 45 then merge will be done then 10 years of seniority will be sacrificed .... Instead of the rule ... then the scapegoat becomes the teacher or not ??? then the government should have submitted it first ... then fill the form When school closes, let's play football again ....
On the one hand, the teachers have an environmental experiment. How many efforts should be made to develop the school by increasing the number of teachers? On the other hand, the government has brought such absurd rules. That even if not a single child from the whole village goes to the private sector, the number will not be 45 out of 6 to 8. If we count all the children in a small village, there are barely 10 children ... Even in this, if a child is admitted in a model school, some children will continue to go there..the school will be locked in the final way ... Bringing a new rule like gas subsidy will also be shouted and the naive public will be misled and schools will be turned towards privatization. It will be ours .... and it will be fun to give the government a solution against the demands in an arbitrary manner .. the burden will also be reduced ... if it is killed, government employees ... sir .... flow Lee tak ... should do cake ... will be ready to enjoy the rest of the food ... there was a time ... if you retire, you will be recruited immediately ... now you don't have to think ....
4200, Hra, ... monghvari .... etc. By not having money in the treasury ... is given heartily 6 ... has the headline of the news 6 or the government ... GST's revenue exceeds 1 lakh crore. ..
Inflation has been cut. Do employees not feel inflation ??? Gas bottle reached 825 ... so why does gst slab feel 18 and 28% ... so ... employees also feel 6 ... and ... 5 years have passed and no one talks about hra .. ..Even after the seventh punch, the teacher is still there ... First, the excuse of covid the fixed salary policy .... Such a thing has to be done .... Sorry sir
In direct contact with the government, you are a gentleman, so ... I will talk to your ears, if it seems appropriate ... you will take appropriate steps after deliberation ... request ....
Your faithful teacher ....
Thank you Vandan Saheb

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