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Matter of extending the date of filling offline application forms of regular / repeater / individual candidates to appear in the standard 10 May 2021 examination

Gujarat Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education, Gandhinagar Press List

The principals, principals, teachers, administrative staff, parents and students of the secondary schools registered with the Gujarat Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education are informed that the last date for filling up the application forms for Std-10 May-2021 examination with regular fee was: - 15/03/2021.
Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education till the completion of: -22/03/2021

 Application form of any regular students by the secondary school registered with the board  Board's secondary with all the details of the students who are left to pay  Instructed to contact the branch in person.  Which date is also completed.  Located Considering the representations of the students, which are regular / repeater / private as well as separate  Candidates who have left the student forms on Friday 26/03/2021 Last chance to fill up the offline application form along with examination fee till late fee Are given.  

Implementation - Department of Education, Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education)

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The school provides all the necessary bases for such students such as, Offline Filled Form, Student GR (Copy of General Register 3), Previous  Copies of marks and face to face with school forwarding

Important link 

The office will have to make face to face contact during the time. Sample of examination forms for all types of students Board website can be downloaded from Applications submitted on the Board's website earlier when filling up the online form
Follow the filling instructions. Note: - Students and disabled students will be exempted from examination fee while
Late fees will apply.Close
 (Bahadur Singh Solanki) Officer on special dutyGujarat Secondary and Board of Higher Secondary Education, Venue - GandhinagarGandhinagar
All the details regarding the examinee candidate in this personal application form are school records  Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education, filled as per examination note.  Which has been verified and verified.  As well as will be canceled by the Department, Vadodara.  Of which I am aware.  The box marked for the applicable.  Appropriate Issue The Board will not be responsible for this.  Outlined.

 Note: Forms that contain incomplete or incorrect information will not be accepted.  Important instructions regarding the candidate for filling up the application form I hereby certify that, (from the signatory examination):

 (1) (a) Satisfactory progress is indicated.  (B) His conduct is satisfactory and he has attended the standard school. (2) As far as character is concerned, he is allowed to appear for the examination.  (3) He has satisfactorily completed the prescribed experiments for the experimental subject taken. (4) He has filled all the details in the application form in his signature.  I have personally checked the name, date of birth etc. with the general register of the school, which is correct according to the general register.  Further, I certify that the concerned student has not been barred from taking the new SSC examination in the past.  Nor are they prosecuted for malpractice.  I certify that the annual income of the guardian of the concerned candidate is more than Rs. 25000 / -, Rs. 25000 / - or less.

 Therefore, I certify that the main candidate is a regular.  The subject matter with the practical aspect has been taken by him and his class work has been done according to the rules.  In addition, this institute accepts the responsibility of taking the class work marks of the said candidate as well as its practical examination.  The said examinee has already passed Std.  10 has not passed the exam.  Whose call is confirmed.  Resolution No. of Government Education Department: Mashab / 2005/1223 / Six, Revised Secondary Certificate Examination Regulations from 3/5/2011 If any of the regulations of 20085 is violated by me, the Board will take action as per the rules.  It will be binding on me.  Candidate's surname, first name, mother, father or husband's name should be filled in capital English letter as well as in a single letter in a box.

 If the application form is filled as a private examinee based on the approval given by the Open School Board after dropping out of school before the private વાદMavadar Std.  NORMAL NRM |  1 || Disabled DSB | 2 If Disabled: 2A Type of Disability: Visual Impairment
 1 Mental Impairment Hearing Impairment HI 3 || Physical Impairment 2B Disability Amount: If the disability rate is more than 40% then disability candidate and if less than 40% will be considered normal candidate.  Attached with the application form of this disabled examinee is a certificate from the competent medical officer indicating the type of disability and the degree of disability.  (B) The information sheet mentioned in the Board's circular dated 11/3/2005 is attached and (a) the application form number of this examinee is written on these grounds.  (D) It is noted in Appendix-19.  (E) Included in the details of Appendix-1.

 Subject Selection: Exam-oriented information, understanding and guide for filling the application form - Page no.  Study carefully from 3 to 16 and choose the subject according to understanding every detail as well as showing the language of the answer as a medium.  When showing the details of the topics, write the name of the topic, code number of the topic and code number of the language of the answer in the prescribed column.  In the selected subject from group-2, one of the theoretical subjects 24 to 40 and one of the corresponding experimental subject codes 51 to 65 should be shown separately.  Carefully demonstrate experimental code 62 or 65 in music.  Demonstrate total number of subjects 7 in case of regular and private examinee candidate. here: Exam Notification, Exam Date, Exam Fees, Syllabus, Online Application Process, Exam Preparation Tips, Exam Study Material (General Knowledge-GK, Current Affairs , Gujarati and English Grammar, Mathematical Reasoning so Daily visit my site is All in one Education information website, like primary Education paripatra & GR, std 1 to 8 all material, textbook, adhyayan nishpattio, Teachers Edition, Timetable, sce patrako, xamtao, pragna material all information so Daily visit This Site for More Updates Important: Please always Check and Confirm the above details with the official website and Advertisement / Notification.
Tag : std-10

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