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From 19th March Std. Starting the first examination of students from 9th to 12th.

The first examination of students of standard 9 to 12 is being held from March 19 to March 27. However, amid rising cases of corona virus, the district education officer has issued a circular. Accordingly, the examination of students living in the content zone due to corona will be re-taken by the school by issuing new question papers. And if a school is in the contentment zone, it can organize the exam after it is released from the contentment zone.

Giving exams is in the educational interest of the children

Corona has had a profound effect on student learning. But the examination is being conducted with caution as it is necessary to take the examination for evaluation. The exam, which will be held on Friday from March 19 to March 27, is being conducted for internal assessment and class promotion. Giving this exam is in the educational interest of the children. But District Education Officer jigar has given a waiver to re-conduct the examination in the content zone area so that no child is wronged due to corona.

There will be . question paper of 80 marks

There will be 80 marks of question papers in the annual examination of standard 9 and 11. While the first exam will have 50 marks. As well as 20 marks of internal assessment. Offline education was discontinued due to Corona. Now that the phased academic work is underway, a few days ago the state education department and the education board also announced the planning of the exam. The first standard 9 to 12 examination will be held from March 19 to 27 and the annual examination will be held from June 7 to June 15.

30 per cent curriculum reduced by the board

Schools will have to take the first semester and the annual exam in their own way. When the board has reduced the syllabus from Std. 9 to 12 by 30 per cent, the schools will have to take the examination as per the 70 per cent syllabus announced by the board and the new question paper format The second semester examination will not be taken in the current academic year. As the second semester examination will not be held this year, the schools will have to place the marks of internal assessment only from the result of the first examination.

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