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Check Online Your Vehicle’s Challan [Memo] Status : Pay Challan Online @Echallan.Parivahan.Gov.In E Challan Payment

Check Online Your Vehicle’s Challan [Memo] Status : Pay Challan Online @Echallan.Parivahan.Gov.In
E Challan Payment

Before discussing the e- challan status it's necessary to understand what's e-challan? Challan may be a payment which citizens of the country need to pay if they break any traffic rule as per the rules issued by the traffic department. Till now this payment is to be made by the citizens in specific places but because the technology becomes advanced the govt of India has launched a web challan payment portal referred to as “E-Challan – Digital Traffic/Transport Enforcement Solution”.Check Online Your Vehicle’s Challan [Memo] Status : Pay Challan Online @Echallan.Parivahan.Gov.In E Challan Payment
What Is E-Challan?
e-Challan may be a modern programming application containing an Android-based portable application and web interface. The e-challan is produced to offer a radical account Transport Enforcement Officers and Traffic Policemen. This application is incorporated with Vahan and Sarathi applications. It also provides an abundance of features while covering every single significant usefulness of Traffic Enforcement System. The E-challan was inaugurated a couple of days back to offer challans to the people on the official app of the govt . this may not only save paper cost but also provides a wider scope to the method.

ગુજરાતી ન્યુઝ રીપોર્ટ અહિંથી વાંચો

Objective Of E-challan
The Government of India wants to make payment of challan process easier and less hectic for the citizens of the country. Till now the citizens of India who has to pay challan have to go to the concerned office and wait for long outside the office to submit the fine. As this e-challan method will start, this fine submission process will become easier for the payers.

E-Challan Benifits

Efficient utilization of discovery in giving a simple, productive and far-reaching traffic authorization framework.
It will guarantee across the nation information sharing and lead to all the more suitable traffic order and street security.

The framework intends to give an ideal answer for the present difficulties which the vehicle divisions are looking such as the issuance of traffic challans, overseeing records/back-end tasks, following offence history, instalments, reports and so forth.

Connecting all the partners through a typical framework which is guaranteeing information uprightness, dependability and straightforwardness.

Start to finish the robotization of the procedure will guarantee productivity at each degree of clients.

100% digitization and documentation of records will help in improving the permeability on guilty parties, sorts of offences often dedicated, instalments got on time and so on.

Minimizing time and tries of residents in making instalments or follow-up activities which they face subsequent to getting challan

Minimizing Revenue misfortune and upgrade straightforwardness

Providing constant Road Safety usage report to the Ministry/State Governments for information-driven strategy making.

Easy and proficient challan choice for Transport Enforcement Officers and Traffic Police officials
No copy or phoney challansFollow This Steps For Pay Challan Online @Echallan.Parivahan.Gov.In
First Step

Applicants have to follow the further stated steps to check the e-challan status:

To check the status of e-challan applicants need to go to the official website of E-Challan – Digital Traffic/Transport Enforcement Solution

From the home page of the website, you need to click “check challan status” option from menu bar.
E Challan Status

A new web page will appear on the screen where you need to chose “Challan Number” or “vehicle Number” or “DL Number”

Thereafter enter the chosen information and then enter captcha code shows on the screen
Challan Details

Click “get details” option and your challan related information will appear on the screenSecond Step

Now after that click on the Pay Now option.
After that Choose your desired option to pay your challan fine.

click “check challan status

Now after the successful payment generate the Challan Receipt onlineCheck Online Your Vehicle’s Challan [Memo] Status : Pay Challan Online @Echallan.Parivahan.Gov.In E Challan Payment
E-challan Contact @Echallan.Parivahan.Gov.In
For any technical problems related to eChallan you may contact
Email: helpdesk-echallan[at]gov[dot]in
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Important: Please always Check and Confirm the above details with the official website and Advertisement / Notification.
Tag : RTO

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