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Lion and Dog Fights Magical Viral Video

Lion and Dog Fights Magical Viral Video

Nowadays, people are coming to Gir National Park for Lion Safari as the season opens for tourists. Recently, Bollywood actor Aamir Khan also visited the National Park. The video goes viral on social media. .

Gir’s Sasan and Devlia safaris are currently open to tourists. Meanwhile, despite the lack of vacation season, a large number of tourists come to Gir to enjoy the lion safari
Meanwhile, there are various incidents taking place in this safari park which are getting caught by the cameras of the tourists. One of these incidents involved a surprising fight between a lion and a dog. The video has long gone viral on YouTube and WhatsApp.

It has not been confirmed which viral video Safari belongs to but people are enjoying watching this video. In the age of the Internet, digital videos have caught the attention of digital users in videos that have gone viral, increasing their sharing across a number of media outlets.

The courage of a dog to graze with a deer during a Gir safari is also worth seeing. When the lion is called the king of the jungle, this kind of dog fight is rarely played with him. However, the event is viral so people are enjoying it here: Exam Notification, Exam Date, Exam Fees, Syllabus, Online Application Process, Exam Preparation Tips, Exam Study Material (General Knowledge-GK, Current Affairs , Gujarati and English Grammar, Mathematical Reasoning so Daily visit my site is All in one Education information website, like primary Education paripatra & GR, std 1 to 8 all material, textbook, adhyayan nishpattio, Teachers Edition, Timetable, sce patrako, xamtao, pragna material all information so Daily visit This Site 

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