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District and Taluka panchayat elections information Training video

જિલ્લા અને તાલુકા પંચાયત ચૂંટણી માટે EVMની સંપૂર્ણ તાલીમનો વિડીયો

  • BU અને CUની સંપૂર્ણ સમજ
  • BU અને CU કેવી રીતે જોડવા?
  • BU અને CU માં કઈ કઈ બાબતોનું ધ્યાન રાખવું?
  • મોકપોલ કરતી વખતે શુ શુ ધ્યાન રાખવું?
  • ખરેખર મતદાન માટે BU અને CU કેવી રીતે તૈયાર કરવા
  • EVM સિલિગ કેવી રીતે કરશો?
  • EVM માં આવતી જુદી જુદી એરર સમજોતમામ EVM ની બાબતો એક જ વીડિયો

●It shall be the responsibility of the presiding officer for the whole day to prescribe the duty of the presiding officer within a hundred meters and to make any political party to set up a counter-established polling station in the radius of two hundred meters, to regulate the voter lines, the tender age in the tender ballot Telling the number of votes cast by the control unit sector or area magistrate, ending the voting by pressing the close button of the control unit on leave.

ઇલેકશન ને લાગતા તમામ પત્રકો અને માંહિતી એક જ એપ્લિકેેેશન માં

●Constituting the constitutional and anti-social, and writing where necessary, sealing all the voting material and back with the voter members. Returning and submitting polling materials at the first second tier counter, it is the duty of the sitting officers, that is, the whole responsibility is for the presiding officer, but all the polling officers including P Oven Port use three all the important of these officers in performing their official duties.

● The obligations are as follows in the voter register which is near Piya Two, in which order a voter has signed to vote in the same order. The number of votes cast should be matched from time to time with the number of voters entering the voter register and the number received from the total button of the control unit. by resolution (1) from e-Gram Vishwagram Center by Village Computer Entrepreneur affiliated with e-Gram Vishwagram Society. Has been done. Deletion of name from ration card. Adding a name to the ration card. Improving ration card.

The GPRA welcomes Aapshri's decision to hold late elections due to the Koro epidemic. Sahebshree, the election of the local self-government urban and panchayat bodies to be held in the month of November due to the Koro epidemic was postponed by Amo Sahebshree.

You were introduced by Amo. The Gujarat State Primary Teachers' Union welcomes and thanks you and the Election Commission for its decision to postpone the elections for three months.

The Election Commission of India has announced that the Lok Sabha elections will start from 11th April and the counting of votes will be held on 23rd May, followed by seven different phases. Also, Chief Election Commissioner Sunil Arora said that the upcoming Model Code Code of Conduct will be implemented from next Sunday and 10 lakh polling stations will be set up.

District and Taluka panchayat elections information Training video

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