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No.: G.S.S.S.T.P.Science - Mathematics-3 / '99-2000 Gujarat Educational Research and Training Council Sector-21, Gandhinagar, Ta.  From 7-7-1999, Principal Shri, District Education and Training Bhavan (All) District Education Officer (All) District Primary Education Officer (All) - Govt. Officer, Municipal Education Committee (All) - Principal, Teaching Temple (All) Principal, Secondary /  Higher Secondary Schools (All) Acharya Shri, Primary School (All) 

Subject: Science Fair 1999-2000 (Science and Technology ... To Overcome the Challenges of Life) Sir, District and State level will participate in Science Fair to make the end of 20th century memorable.  Is.  Animal is a special pride - National level science fair is to be organized in Gujarat.  Special planning and implementation is expected from your level in the sense of special and excellent contribution in taluka and district science exhibition this year.  

Details of the main and sub-topics of the science exhibition have been revealed.  With the expectation of participating to contribute to the expanding horizons of science, (Dr. Nalin Pandit) Copy Regards: Additional Director - Hon.  Shri Adhik Chief Secretary (Education) - Gandhinagar GCERT  , Gandhinagar Hon.  Hon'ble Director of Primary Education, Gandhinagar. 

 State Project Director - DPEP  Gandhinagar Field Advisor, NCERT  Gujarat Unit - Ahmedabad (Reference: Department of Education, NCERT, Gujarati Translation of New Delhi) State Level Science Exhibition - 1999-2000 and Jawaharlal Nehru Science Exhibition for Children - 2000 Guide for Students and Teachers Introduction: National  Educational research and training is conducted by the organization and Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti. 

 J Parishad, New Delhi, has been organizing the National Jawaharlal Science Fair for Children for the year November 1999 for children since 1971.  The fair will be the first to be decided for the new Nehru National Science Exhibition.  The renaming of Jawaharlal Nehru's article for children in 1988 was aimed at conveying the main and sub-topics and as a science fair.  

Toy fair teleconference babat gr DOWNLOAD HERE

Schools, Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, Main Atomic Energy School and Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti are participating in the state level science demonstration of 1999-2000.  Science and technology.  The challenge of life is to overcome.  This exhibition is the culmination of the main objectives of the main subject for the above organized by the above school, organization and committee.  

Therefore, the previous (1) "The importance of science and technology in improving the quality of life, as in previous years, the importance of the taluka and the state level 1999-2000" - to develop awareness in this regard.  Fairs for States and Union Territories, Kendriya Vidyalaya (2) 25 you leguro of good quality items for social use

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