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Shikshak Retirement List 2020 For Gujarat All District

31/10/2020 તેમજ 31/5/2021 ના રોજ નિવૃત થનાર પ્રાથમિક શિક્ષકો, ઉચ્ચ પ્રાથમિક શિક્ષકો  તેમજ HTAT આચાર્યનું જિલ્લા વાઇઝ લિસ્ટ.

જુઓ તમારા જિલ્લામાં કેટલા શિક્ષકો નિવૃત થાય છે ?

 Learning by Doing Center Online Training For Maths-Science Teachers District Wise School and Teachers List Download

કયા જિલ્લાના શિક્ષકોને લેવી પડશે તાલીમ ? વાંચવાલાયક લેટર. જિલ્લા વાઇઝ શાળા અને શિક્ષકોના નામની યાદી

As per the provisions of the Government Resolution dated 23/05/2012 and from time to time, out of the primary / upper primary teachers working in the primary school under the Sabarkantha District Education Committee, the teachers who want to transfer to other districts by district transfer, district transfer unilateral transfer form for district transfer.  Accept the form in your office till 31/12/2020 and send the proposals in two copies along with the supporting evidence after 31/12/2009 to 08/01/2021 with a separate list by subject department.

 Forms will no longer be accepted.  If any question arises regarding the delay, the responsibility for it will be with the concerned TAP.

UNESCO and GCERT under school health program under Ayushyaman Bharat Yojana.  A joint venture of Gandhinagar has organized online training on "SPASH" (State Program on Adolescent School Health) for all teachers of all primary schools (government, aided and self-reliant schools) in the state. Teachers can join the training through DIKSHA Portal.

 A total of 11 course modules under this training will be uploaded periodically on DIKSHA Portal.  Currently three module courses have been uploaded.

 Each module includes a preface to the topic, information covering the topic, an accompanying video, a supplement to the existing syllabus of the relevant information, and an evaluation at the end.  After the completion of the training, the trainee teachers will get the training certificate online from the Diksha portal.

 For the purpose of implementation of the above plan, it is imperative that only the teachers of the upper primary section schools of your district and the trainees of B.Ed and D.L.Ed participate in this training.

 The implementation, management and monitoring of all these courses of Diksha Portal will have to be done under the DRU branch of your organization.

 The purpose of stabilization of the above training is to require two teachers (one female and one male) per school as brand ambassadors as well as other teachers to make their live contribution to this co-curricular activity on a voluntary basis.

 Along with this, in order to cultivate a clearer understanding of all the above modules, the subject matter of the module will be broadcasted by renowned experts through Biseg.  Make sure that the teachers involved in the training also benefit from it.

Shikshak Retirement List 2020 For Gujarat All District

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Tag : Recruitment

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