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Opinion is Thanki Harsukhlal Jaishankar Prati, Education, Drama, Leave the four walls of the classroom in an open environment.  

The life-saving coordination of all these things can be seen in the statement "Divaswapna".  At the same time, Gujarat Educational Research and Training Council, Gandhinagar, there has been talk of removing the haw of examination. 

 The plan is to say with greetings that even accepting some of the limitations of life punishment as per May-June, Gijubhai has responded to Gijju Bhai's' daydream 'storytelling in the issue of {}'.  But have been called upon because of the precise and solid teaching beyond the limits. 

 So to say in this matter that the amount of benefit like Bijubhai is more has resulted.  Respecting and responding to the tastes and interests of every child in the classroom of a distinguished and highly respected teacher, educator and writer has spoken to me of cultivating the vision of filling the ocean in the jar and giving it a corresponding action.  

Even so, owning one is still beyond the reach of the average person.  Stated.  And he has also admitted that the 'daydream' story of Gijubhai, who has made every child an expert in every opposition and has earned the title of 'Mukkali Maa', cannot be told.    He received his primary education in the decade 1: 5: 51-10. 

 The proportion of which can be seen to some extent even in the present times. The plan of improvement was given by 'Divaswapna'.  The plan is MLL.  Gibhubhai's daydream is also seen being expressed by Rabindrabhai Dave by naming the curriculum as if it should not be bound by time constraints.  


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Trying hard to do.  If this plan is from today, Gijubhai's book 'Divaswan' is really an invaluable work.  If it had been implemented fifty years ago, then today's book should have done something that is available in every school and we have grown out of the mahamanat, it should be read in the teacher training class, Gijubhai of storytelling.  Every chapter like Nanabhai Bhadu and Manudada (Darshak) gives something new to something

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