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Indian Army Open Bharati Melo Devbhumi Dwarka

Indian Army Open Bharati Melo Devbhumi Dwarka

Army bharti rally melo Rajkot, Jamnagar, Amreli, Bhuj, Surendranagar, Bhavnagar, Junagarh, Porbandar, Devbhumi Dwarka army rally bharti districts of Gujrat State and Diu (Union Territory).


Eligibility criteria age, height, weight, chest, physical test, medical test, written test for BRO Jamnagar army recruitment rally. ARO Jamnagar army bharti rally date and notification details given below..

◾Place/Venue For Army Recruitment (Rally):
Devbhoomi Dwarka
(Recruitment is for Men only.)

◾Education Qualification:
Std 10 Pass Or Std 12 Pass

Std. Even those with 8 Passes will be able to fill the form as it is a trade.

IMPORTANT NOTE:: Online Registration and Form Filling is Required.


◾Date of Filling The Application Form:

10 December 2020 to 18 January 2021

◾Date of Admit Card:
10 days ago

◾Date of Attending Open Recruitment (Rally)::
01/02/2021 to 15/02/2021

◾Recruitment for the following Districts and Union Territories::

▪️Gir Somnath
▪️Devbhoomi Dwarka
▪️Diu (UT)

◾Name of The Posts:
Soldier Tradesman

Age: 17.5 to 23 years (Birth should be between 01/10/1997 to 01/04/2003)

Height: 168

Weight: 48 Kg

Chest 2
76 cm inflated chest

81 cm inflated chest

8 passes (with 33 marks in each subject)

◾Name of The Posts:
Soldier Tradesman

Age: 17.5 to 23 years (Birth should be between 01/10/1997 to 01/04/2003)

Height: 168

Weight: 48 Kg

Chest 2

76 cm inflated chest

81 cm inflated chest

10 passes (with 33 marks in each subject)

◾Name of The Posts:
Soldier General Duty

Age: 17.5 to 21 years

(Birth should be between 01/10/1999 to 01/04/2003)

Height: 168

Weight: 50 Kg

77 cm Inflated chest

82 cm inflated chest

10 passes (45% with 33 marks in each subject)

◾Name of The Posts:
Soldier Technical

Age: 17.5 to 23 years

(Birth should be between 01/10/1997 to 01/04/2003)

Height: 167

Weight: 50 Kg

Chest 2
76 cm inflated chest

81 cm inflated chest

12 passes (Physics, Chemistry, Maths with 50% with 40 marks in each subject)

◾Name of The Posts:
Soldier Nursing Assistant

17.5 to 23 years (Birth should be between 01/10/1997 to 01/04/2003)


50 Kg

Chest 2:
77 cm Inflated chest

82 cm inflated chest

12 passes (Physics, Chemistry, Biology, English 50% with 40 marks in each subject)

◾Name of The Posts:
Soldier Clerk and Store Keeper Technical

17.5 to 23 years (Birth should be between 01/10/1997 to 01/04/2003)


50 Kg

Chest 2:
77 cm Inflated chest

82 cm inflated chest

12 passes (60% with 50 marks in each subject)


▪️8 Pass Candidates will be able to Fill the Application form in trademan which will show the following two posts from which one has to be selected.

1. House Keeper

2. Mess Keeper

▪️10 Pass Candidates will show the following post to the candidate who Fills the Application Form in Tradesman From Which One Has to Select.

1. Artisan (Woodwork)-Tdn -

2. Chef

3. Dresser (U)

4. House Keeper

5. Mess Keeper

6. Painter & Decorater

7. Steward

8. Sopport Staff (ER)

9. Trailor (U)

10. Washer man

▪️Documents Required to Fill The Application Form:

1. Photo / signature

2. E-mail and mobile number

(Mobile form must be present at the time of filling up the form as well as e-mail login.)

3. Marksheet of Std-10/12 (as requested in the post)

4. Aadhaar card


Official Notification | Official Website

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Important: Please always Check and Confirm the above details with the official website and Advertisement / Notification.
Tag : Recruitment

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