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SBI has issued an alert, your bank account can also be emptied through WHATSAPP

SBI has issued an alert, your bank account can also be emptied through WHATSAPP

In addition, no lottery or lucky customer gift is given by the bank. Be careful if someone gives you red.

SBI has issued an alert, your bank account can also be emptied through WHATSAPP

State Bank of India has issued an alert for users of social messaging app Whatsapp.

According to him, a small mistake on WhatsApp can break into your bank account.

Cyber ​​criminals can steal money from your account by calling or texting on this app.

There has been a rapid increase in such crimes during the Corona period.

The bank does not do this
SBI told customers that the bank does not call all customers and ask for their personal account details.

If anyone does not want such information through WhatsApp call or message, email or message, be alert immediately. Trying to deceive you.

In addition, no lottery or lucky customer gift is given by the bank. Be careful if someone gives you red.

Damage can only happen from one mistak

The bank said that cyber thugs are just waiting for your one mistake. Money will fly out of your account just by making a mistake. Read 

Don’t trust a fake call or forward message at all.

Cybercriminals inform the customer of winning the lottery and try to deceive them by giving them a lure.

People are asked to download any app or their account details.

A common mistake is to empty a cybercriminal account.

State Bank of India advises all customers to be aware and also to alert others to avoid such scams

Important: Please always Check and Confirm the above details with the official website and Advertisement / Notification.

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