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Nitin Patel’s announcement: Every citizen will get corona vaccine, distribution structure ready

Vaccination will be given as per the priority of Gujarat equipped government in planning with the country

Yesterday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced that the corona vaccine would arrive in a week. Then the Gujarat government will give the first vaccine to Corona Warriors in the state. Deputy Chief Minister Nitin Patel informed about the vaccination. In which he said to give the vaccine in phases in the state. In the first phase, health workers, in the second phase, police and home guards, and in the next phase, senior citizens over the age of 50 will be vaccinated, he said.

There will be phased vaccination
Outlining the vaccination at a press conference, Nitin Patel said that in the first phase, health care workers will be vaccinated. In the second phase, Corona Warriors, including police and homeguards, will be vaccinated. The vaccine will be given to citizens above 50 years of age in subsequent phases. Apart from this those suffering from diseases like cancer, heart disease below the age of 50 will be included in the later stages.

Deputy Chief Minister Nitin Patel has said that while the country and the people of the world are grappling with the global corona epidemic, Prime Minister Narendra Modi is making efforts to protect the countrymen against corona and the corona vaccine will be available soon. In order to provide this vaccine to the citizens of Gujarat in phases, after extensive discussions in the core committee meeting chaired by Chief Minister Vijaybhai Rupani, arrangements are being made to make strong arrangements for vaccination. For this, complete arrangements have been made by the state health department in coordination with all other departments.

He added that Gujarat has started planning for vaccination as per the guidelines of the Government of India. In the first phase, information of healthcare workers is being prepared. To date, a total of 4.5 lakh healthcare works have been collected from the state government’s 2.31 lakh health workers and 1.5 lakh private health workers. The second phase is planned to cover frontline workers such as homeguards, police, cleaners etc. As per the instructions of the Central Government, a committee has been asked to be formed to prepare the information of the front line workers of the second department. Instructions have also been given to prepare information of senior citizens above 60 years of age. Cowin software has been developed by the Government of India for covid vaccine and beneficiary checking. The district and the corporation have also started entering the information of vaccination site and vaccinator in this software.

The Deputy Chief Minister added that 3 vaccination centers have been identified in the state for vaccination operations. 15 teams will also be deployed for this. All health workers will be trained as required for vaccination as per Government of India guidelines. Citizens who need to be vaccinated should be notified in advance. The place-time-date will be informed by the State Government. The Deputy Chief Minister added that for monitoring the vaccination, the state level has appointed Mission Director NHM. Has been demoted as Nodal Officer. At the district and corporation level, the Collector and the Municipal Commissioner have been appointed as Nodal Officers. At the state level, the progress of the program will be reviewed by the Chief Secretary and a State Task Force has been constituted under the chairmanship of the Health Secretary. This committee will continuously monitor the vaccination.


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