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Matter of extending the deadline for filling up the form for Jawahar Navodaya Entrance Examination

Matter of extending the deadline for filling up the form for Jawahar Navodaya Entrance Examination

 Matter of extending the deadline for filling up the form for Jawahar Navodaya Entrance Examination 


Until now, the police were asleep, but now the government has given a target, so waking up and doing more duty in the Corona period has become difficult ... These questions are also false and sad. In this, the teacher is tampering with the feelings of the society.  Is

The answer to this
(1) No equal job, police job is service, teacher is a profession
(2) Learning is high, MA, MFIL BEAD like courses and competitive separation
(3) Border villages are life threatening.
(3) Lockdown Mo 187 Teachers to make people aware that parental contact was a victim of Mo Corona
(4) Children are given leave subject. Many countries have 3 hours of education per day
(5) There are 42 musters to be accounted for, from the toilet bucket to the child's future.
(6) If the school education or class paper is a little back, then from the principal to the school visitor, the water supply (which is not the subject), such as the officer prevents the increase.
(7) If you are 1 minute late, big staff mo c.  Once done,.
(8) There is so much tension that many schools have been attacked.  From Corona to floods, from poor welfare fairs to elections, teachers never leave quarters.  In such cases, the teacher provides many services
(9) And last but not least, the teacher has no income, and the complaint should not be made because not all teachers are mentally deranged to call and threaten someone, it is an idol of civility to take action against anyone who threatens.  Of course, the whole teacher is not to blame

Matter of extending the deadline for filling up the form for Jawahar Navodaya Entrance Examination

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