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Help module for teacher replacement in 2020-2021

Help module for teacher replacement: Everyone has a dream in life, go ahead and work hard to make something happen. Some people want to become a doctor in life, some engineers want to serve for the country by becoming an IAS and want to brighten their name but becoming an IAS officer is not so easy. For this, it is very important to do a lot of hard work as well as a smart study and you should have complete knowledge about the IAS exam.

IAS is considered to be one of the best posts in India, to pass this exam, lakhs of students give exams every year, but only a few sharp-minded and smart students are able to clear this exam.

Control and balance have always been part and parcel of authority / authority. In the case of an IAS officer, these power checks are done through postings and transfers in different departments, bodies and companies. This is usually done to ensure that the power of political institutions does not remain in the hands of certain people or groups.

The Indian Administrative Service (Cadre) Rule defines the term ‘cadre post’ as any of the posts prescribed in the item of each cadre in the Schedule to the Indian Administrative Service (Cadre Determination) Regulations, 1955.


પતિ પત્નીના કિસ્સામાં બદલી બાબતે આજનો અગત્યનો પરીપત્ર તા.૦૫/૦૧/૨૦૨૨ માટે અહી ક્લિક કરો

Transfer of cadre officers

The rule says that the allocation of cadre officers to various cadres will be done by the Central Government in consultation with the State Government or the State Government concerned. The central government, with the consent of the respective state governments, can transfer the officer of one cadre to another cadre. However, as per recent practice, this rule has been applied only in marriages that occur between officers of the All India Service (s).

There are cases where such marriages have taken place, an officer has been transferred to the cadre of his or her spouse. There are also cases where both husband and wife have been sent together in a third cadre. Some of the rules for inter-state cadre transfer are as follows.

Help module for teacher replacement in 2020-2021

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    1. Permission for interstate transfer will be given on the marriage of the members of the All India Service Officers with another member of the All India Service, where the officer or concerned officials have demanded change.

2. Permission for interstate cadre transfer may also be given on extreme difficulty basis.

3. Inter-cadre transfer will not be allowed to be done in the home state of the officer.

4. In case of inter-cadre transfer on the basis of marriage, the first request should be made to ensure that the cadre of an officer accepts the cadre of his or her spouse.

5. Only in those cases where both the states refuse to accept the second spouse, will the Government of India consider transferring those officers to a third cadre, subject to the consent of the concerned cadre for such transfer. .

6. Inter-cadre transfer will not be allowed if All India Service Officer is from an officer working in Central Service / State Service / Public Sector Undertakings / any other organization

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