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Google down Gmail youtube server crash for some time

Google down Gmail youtube server crash for some time

Google, one of the world's largest tech companies, has had several services down. Mostly this problem is coming on Gmail, Google Drive and YouTube. As a result, users are facing a lot of difficulties. Various services of Google, including Gmail, YouTube, and Google search, have disrupted the service for users. DownDector detects outage. About 9,000 cases of users having problems accessing YouTube have been found in DownDector. This is the case with Gmail and YouTube.

Gmail has over 180 million users worldwide. They have a 43% market share of email services in 2020. While 27 percent of people email by phone. More than 75 percent of people use a phone to access email. In the year 2020, 306.4 billion emails are sent and received every day.

At around 5:20 pm, an error page appeared on several services, including Google's Gmail service and Hangouts. The same situation has been seen on YouTube.

ગુજરાતી ડીટૈલ ન્યુઝ અહિંથી વાંચો

Google, one of the world's largest tech companies, lost 19 services. Its services were disrupted for 40 minutes. Login and access problems started at 5:26 pm Indian time and re-stored at 6:06 pm. Google has not commented on the issue. Mostly this problem came up on Gmail, Google Drive and YouTube. This caused a lot of trouble for the users.

According to the data, 500 hours of data is uploaded on YouTube in 60 seconds, which means that 20,000 hours of data could not be uploaded in a difficult period of 40 minutes, resulting in a loss of about Rs 9.41 crore. YouTube earns about 32 thousand dollars or about 23.53 lakh rupees per minute.

The service is down

Gmail, YouTube, Calendar, Drive, Docs, Sheets, Slides, Groups, Hangouts, Chat, Meet, Vault, Currents, Forms, Cloud Search, Keep, Task, Voice.

The service was on

Google search engine and map.

About 9,000 cases of users having problems accessing YouTube were found in the down detector. This was also the case with Gmail and YouTube. Complaints of disruption to Google's service were received not only in Europe but also in Australia, the east coast of the United States and Africa, South America and Asia.

Services like Cloud, Drive and Docs also crash

According to Britain's Mirror newspaper, 54% of people in the world could not access YouTube. 42% could not login and 15% could not access the website. In addition, 75% of Gmail users could not login. While 15 percent of the people could not access the website. In addition, 8% of people could not receive the message.

180 million Gmail users

Gmail has over 180 million users worldwide. They have a 43% market share of email services in 2020. While 27 percent of people email by phone. More than 75 percent of people use a phone to access email. In the year 2020, 306.4 billion emails are sent and received every day. YouTube has over 200 million users.

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