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District Toy Fair - Matter of involving teachers in Toy Fare

12 (9-12 (93 No .: GCERT / Training / 2020-21) / Gujarat Council of Educational Research and Training, Vidya Bhavana Sector-12, Gandhinagar
 Email: Date: 5-12-2030 Matyamev Jayat
 To the Director, Principal, District Education and Training Bhavan, all

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 Subject: District Toy Fair - Matter of involving teachers in Toy Fare
 Reference: NCERT, Delhi Letter No. F.No.9-2 / 2020NTF Dt.  10-12-2020
 Mr., Compliments Under the above subject, the National Toy Fair is organized by the Ministry of Textiles in collaboration with other Ministries including the Ministry of Education with the aim of providing active and enjoyable education by involving children in the teaching-learning process and pedagogy.  Under which, according to the reference letter of NCERT, New Delhi, the first National Toy Fair is to be organized in virtual mode from 27/02/2021 to 02/03/2021 (Day-4).  As part of the above plan, GCERT has set up CRC, BRC in the state of Gujarat by 31/01/2071.  And district level and state level Toy Fair is to be organized in virtual mode till the second week of February.  Teachers from your district are expected to participate in this fair and connect digitally through virtual mode.  A complete guide to joining the fair is attached herewith.  Maximize your district by following the instructions given in the guide

 Teachers from CRC level to district and state level are asked to do the necessary planning and instructions from your level.  According to the above plan, CRC, B.R.C.  And the expenses related to the organization of district level toy fair are allowed to be borne by EDN-12.  Regulatory GCERT Gandhinagar
 Copy sent: District Primary Education Officer, all (It is better to give necessary instructions for maximum number of teachers to be involved in organizing CRC, BRC and district level toy fair)
 L Toy fare file & note 2020-21 1st National Toy Fair - 2021
 Guide for Participants Learning through play is an important part of a child's development.  Toys and games help children develop their senses, problem solving skills, conflict resolution and many other skills.  When children play with other children, they also learn to accept the opinions of others and to take care of others.
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