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Brain training logic puzzles

  • A collection of brain puzzles IQ challenge in a cool design, a lot of addictive games in one game.

Smart puzzles - a collection of puzzles in one nice design, lots of games in one game. We have put different cool puzzle games in one game that takes up less space.

It’s the best exercise to keep your brain in shape. Our game uses brain training techniques - go to simple but complex levels, gradually increase your IQ. The results of your IQ measurement will be displayed during the game.

- A game for the whole family

This game is suitable for both adults and children. The game can be played by 3 year olds, as we have divided all the levels into 6 groups based on their complexity. So, our puzzle is for the whole family. Jigs for adults without internet. Puzzles.

Improve your skills, mental capacities, calculus, memory, analysis, sharpness and perception etc with brain training games.


1: Very small installation package.
2: Tens of thousands of level challenges.
3: High performance and battery saving.

The fun logic challenge allows you to enjoy the fun of this puzzle
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