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CM Rupani's big announcement: From tomorrow, these 4 will be in the city only Knight did.

કોરોનાની ત્રીજી લહેર પર CM રૂપાણીની મોટી જાહેરાત શું છે પ્લાન

In Ahmedabad, Rajkot, Vadodara and Surat, only Knight Karyu will be applicable now, the public has been exempted from the day Karku.  Addressing the people of the state today, Chief Minister Vijay Rupani said that in view of the transition to corona in the state, special rules have to be followed for masks and social discrimination.  At the same time, he said, the people have given a lot of cooperation in Ahmedabad.  Then it will not be done in Ahmedabad during the day.  At the same time, the Chief Minister has said that the people of the state need not fear in the Corona period.  The state government has made all sorts of arrangements.  Just don't turn the crowd around, and don't gather for no reason.  So that the transition does not spread further.  In the coming days, we will have to follow the rules and make the mask mandatory.

 The health team of the center has reached Gandhinagar.  

After visiting Ahmedabad, Vadodara, Mehsana, the central health team reached Gandhinagar and now met the CM.  In which the central team also visited the CM Dash which the central team called the Dhavantari health chariot a successful experiment..the central team also praised home isolation, area specific surveillance and systematic monitoring in Gujarat.  The head of the central team, Dr.  Singh interacted with Ashavarkar sisters, female health workers as well as people-citizens and got feedback in which he expressed satisfaction.

 State Deputy Chief Minister Nitin Patel had a special GSTV conversation.  Nitin Patel said the transition to Corona increased due to the festival.  A curfew has been imposed to prevent the transition. Public life in Ahmedabad will start from tomorrow.  However, night curfew will remain in place in Ahmedabad.  Corona's operations are reviewed daily in the state.  "We have enough arrangements to fight the Corona. Curfew will be imposed to prevent further transition," Patel said.
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