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Stunning feature will come in WhatsApp, your WhatsApp will run in Bubbe phone from a single number

Stunning feature will come in WhatsApp, your WhatsApp will run in Bubbe phone from a single number

The site WABeta Info, which keeps an eye on the deceased updates and latest features of WhatsApp, has given its hint. According to leaked reports, a separate section will be given with the names of WhatsApp linked devices

WhatsApp, the most popular instant messaging app in India, is now going to give one more amenity to its users. The app, which has long been working on a multi-device support feature, may soon be rolled out to users. With the advent of this feature, WhatsApp users will be able to run WhatsApp on multiple phones from a single number.

The site WABetaInfo, which keeps an eye on the latest updates and latest features of WhatsApp, has given its hint. According to leaked reports, a different section will be provided with the names of WhatsApp linked devices, which will let you know which devices are running accounts with the same number. This section will be given to the users in the menu of WhatsApp.

The linked device will appear
Users will also see the device already linked in this section of WhatsApp. Also with the temp punch you will see when WhatsApp was last active on this device. WhatsApp is also educating to bring advanced search mode.

Sync with Wi-Fi
This detail app of WhatsApp is seen in Android beta version Its new features are currently under development, so they have not been introduced to beta users. According to a report, WhatsApp may need Wi-Fi Sync to run on several devices

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