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Online competition in update photo


 As per the above topic and context, NCERT, New Delhi has organized an online photography competition for students of all schools across the country at the end of the two year period of Gandhiji's 150th birth anniversary celebrations as per the instructions of the Department of School Education and Literacy, Government of India.  This competition is to be reported in all the schools of Gujarat immediately.  Attached is a letter from New Delhi providing detailed guidance for the successful conduct and completion of the competition.  You have to study it and follow it and also send a letter to all the schools in your area of ​​work and send it along with the enclosure.  So that they understand the rules properly and participate in the competition

Win 3,000 Euro - Calling Nature Lovers Maria Luisa's passion for the outdoors, adventure and nature. Since 1990 we have memorialized her as she would have wanted - with amazing nature shots from around the world. Join us today!

DISCLAIMER: Photo Contest Insider has prepared the content of this website responsibly and carefully, but disclaims all warranties, express or implied, as to the accuracy of the information contained in any of the materials on this website or on other linked websites or on any subsequent links. The competitions, organisations, companies listed does not constitute an endorsement by Photo Contest Insider.

Photo Contest Insider has prepared the content of this website responsibly and carefully, but disclaims all warranties, express or implied, as to the accuracy of the information contained in any of the materials on this website or on other linked websites or on any subsequent links. The competitions, organisations, companies listed does not constitute an endorsement by Photo Contest Insider.

Entries will be narrowed down to a shortlist by a WMO panel of experts in meteorology and oceanography as well as experienced professional photographers. Entries will be judged on:  Technical quality, clarity, and composition Visual impact Novelty and flair for the unexpected WMO will make an initial selection of about 50 photographs, based on technical and artistic merit. We will then publish shortlisted photos on Facebook and Instagram, allowing our followers to vote for their favourites. The competition will also be promoted via Twitter and via other U.N. social media accounts. The WMO jury will have the final say on the 13 photos for inclusion in the calendar (one for the cover and one for each month), based on the social media votes but also taking into account geographical balance. All shortlisted photographs will be showcased on WMO web and social media channels. It is therefore important that you include your own social media handles so that we can credit you appropriately.

All photos must be a minimum size of 4000x3000 pixels. All photos must be submitted in JPEG or TIFF format (with little compression to preserve image quality. All photos must be in landscape (horizontal) format. Black and white photographs as well as coloured photographs will be accepted. All photos must be clearly captioned, including a title, a location and the date of the photograph.

The winners of the World Press Photo of the Year and the World Press Photo Story of the Year awards will receive €10,000 each. This means all contest winners will share in prizes totalling more than €130,000 in value. Read more about the prizes.

Entrants must also complete our designated Entry Form, with all fields accurately completed in full. An individual entrant may submit up to three separate entries in total. Subsequent entries will not be deemed valid. The Contest period closes 15 September 2020. Results will be announced by 16 October 2020. The decision is final and binding. The Contest is open to all individuals and groups, regardless of age or location.  Employees of the WMO Secretariat are prohibited from Contest entry. Entrants under 18 years of age may participate with the permission of their parents or legal guardians. If the photo of an entrant under 18 years of age is chosen, and written parental or guardian permission cannot be provided, the WMO has the right to reject the entry. Entrants are required to obtain permission from all persons appearing on photo. If an entrant is chosen winner, and such written permission cannot be provided, the WMO has the right to reject the entry. Use of copyrighted materials, is prohibited unless the entrant has written permission to use such materials. If written permission cannot be provided, the WMO has the right to reject the entry.  Entrants of all photos selected as winner will be notified via e‐mail. If no response is provided within seven days of notification, the winner shall forfeit any and all claims, and will be disqualified. The entrant retains the rights to his/her photographs; however, by entering the photo contest, he/she grants WMO a non-exclusive license to display, distribute, reproduce and create derivative works of the entries and texts, in whole or in part, in any media now existing (such as publications, websites, and social media) or subsequently developed, for any educational, promotional, publicity, exhibition, archival, scholarly and all other standard purposes of WMO. Due credit will be given to the entrant each time his/her photo is used, wherever feasible. Photos and text will not be used for commercial purposes.  Photos that have been awarded or given honourable mentions in any photo contest, either online or in print, and photos that have already been used in print or online publications (including but not limited to posters, online and print media, publicity materials, books, and articles) are not eligible. However, you may submit photos that you have already used in your personal or social spaces such as blogs, Facebook and Flickr.  Minimal cropping is permitted. Minor adjustments, including dodging and burning, sharpening, contrast and slight color adjustments, are acceptable as long as the integrity of the original photo is maintained. The WMO will not be responsible or liable for: a) any problem, loss or damage due to delay and/or failure in receiving and sending the entry as a result of any network, 

 communication or system interruption or error, b) any error, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, site failure or unauthorised access to entries, as a result of use of the designated YouTube channel and/or website, c) any problem, damage or loss of whatever nature to any entrant, or their authorised representatives, resulting from their participation in the Contest. The WMO reserves the right to cancel, modify, suspend or delay the Contest in the event of unforeseen circumstances beyond its reasonable control. The WMO reserves the right to change, amend, delete or add to these Contest terms and conditions without prior notice at any time, and the entrants shall be bound to such changes. All decisions are final.



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