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Live Darshan and calendar from Dwarkadhish Temple

 Live Darshan and calendar from Dwarkadhish Temple 

Krishna Janmashtami is a yearly Hindu festival that adulates the presentation of Krishna, the eighth image of Vishnu. It is seen by the Hindu lunisolar timetable, on the eighth day of the Krishna Paksha in Shraavana or Bhadrapad, which covers with August or September of the Gregorian calendar. 

Hindu festival adulating the birth (janma) of the god Krishna on the eighth (ashtami) day of the dull fortnight of the extended length of Bhadrapada (August–September). … The occasion is observed especially in Mathura and Vrindavan (Brindaban), the areas of Krishna's immaturity and early youth. 

Leader Of India Ramnath Kovind Twitter 

जन्माष्टमी के अवसर पर शुभकामनाएं। 'निष्काम कर्म' के अपने संदेश में योगेश्वर श्री कृष्ण ने परिणाम की चिंता किए बिना कर्म पर ध्‍यान केंद्रित करने का आह्वान किया है। यह भावना हमारे सभी कोरोना योद्धाओं के कार्य में झलकती है। यह पर्व सभी के जीवन में स्वास्थ्य और समृद्धि का संचार करे। 


Important Link :-

Live Darshan From Dwarka
AndroidApp Live Temple

Welcome on Janmashtami! 

Ruler Krishna's message of Karmayoga is a call to focus on our obligations as opposed to considering compensations. This spirit has been clear in the working of all our Corona warriors. 

Dwaraka is acknowledged as the spot which Lord Krishna commanded 

In any case called Jagat Mandir (Dwarakadheesh Mandir), Dwarka Dwarkadhish Temple is considered as one of 108 Divya Tirupati Kshetrams (108 recognizable havens of Lord Vishnu and his images) and one of Sapta Mokshapuri (7 hallowed spots that favor us with salvation). 

Sri Krishna Janmashtami celebrations in Dwarkadhish Temple are similarly communicated live on DD Girnar. 

The program schedule of Janmashtami in Dwarka asylum 

Program of Krishna Janmahotsav 2020 @ Jagad Mandir-DwarkaSchedule of Timings on Saturday – 12 August 2020 


May Lord Krishna favor everyone with incredible prosperity and thriving

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