Education News, Current Affairs, G.K., TET/TAT/HTAT Materials, All Exam Result & All Job Updates By JIGAR PRAJAPTI .One Step Ahead In Education....


The world this full of interesting things to discover and no countries are alike.

You are always astounded by differences ranging from languages, cultures, customs, history, civilizations, lifestyle, people and natural beauties that provoke us to pack our luggage and go to find out.

Every single country in this world is a magical place for everyone to experience and learn, especially for students who are super eager to set their foot in appealing destinations.School tours have become an important part of the extra curriculum of each school.

Educational School Trip is a reputable travel agency with educational experts building up the best school trips for international students traveling to discover every corner around the world.

Taking school trips abroad, students have incredible opportunities to equip themselves with valuable knowledge and strengthen personal skills.

Besides obtaining educational knowledge through traveling, students also have chances to meet new friends, exchange culture with local people, and explore their fascinating ways of life.

School trips are amazing occasions for students to actively participate in various interactive activities and sightseeing field trips, company visits and do some community helps.

Definitely, our customized educational tours will broaden students’ minds and their point of views towards the world outside!
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