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Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University R.R. MAHETA SCIENCE COLLAGE PALANPUR B.Sc Admission 2020.

Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University R.R. MAHETA SCIENCE COLLAGE PALANPUR B.Sc Admission 2020.

Important Dates :

Date of Apply Online : 29/5/2020 to 16/6/2020
Date of 1st Merit List and Admission List : 22/6/2020
Date of Pay Fees and Admission 22/6/2020 to 24/6/2020
Date of 2nd Merit List and Admission List : 26/6/2020
Date of Pay Fees and Admission 26/6/2020 to 29/6/2020

Apply Online for B.Sc Sem 1 Admission on

Important Link :

Download pdf : From Here

Banaskantha District Kelavani Mandal, Palanpur aims at providing quality education to the young students of the towns and on the most backward and desert areas of the North Gujarat. The Mandal is registered as a charitable trust and by now it has won the due respect of the young learners, their parents and all the stake holder who are directly or indirectly connected with the education and over-all development of the region.

The Jain business magnets settled in Bombay, originally hailing from Palanpur, have been magnanimously sharing the Herculean task.


In 1964 the Arts college started. In 1965 the Science college followed the suit. In 1979 the Commerce College was added to it. The Complex has a 9 acre large campus. The college building has 22 classrooms including, fourteen large lecture halls. The Science section has 13 well-equipped specious laboratories. We have research centre and research library. We have the library with all the study materials. We also have hostel facilities for the students. Our playground is large and has the facilities like Cricket ground with turf wicket Pavillion with all facilities and well equipped Indoor Gymkhana and Fitness centre. We have also large open air theater. We have an AC Computer laboratory with the latest computer and Internet facilities. The Late Shri Galbabhai Nanjibhai Patel Hostel is situated on the college campus itself. The admissions to the hostel are open to the students of all castes and creeds without any discrimination.

Aims and Objectives

To start activities for promotion of education and its development in Banaskantha District and to establish colleges, hostels, libraries, and other educational institutions and to maintain the same, to publish books in the field of literature and to distribute them.

To help and aid students of the Banaskantha District, in their studies here or abroad, to award scholarships or prizes and giving other aid in kind by advancing loans with or without interest

The College is committed to train its students with qualities of perseverance and good citizenship

College is dedicated to give to the society good leaders and trailblazers who can contribute their hits i the welfare of the society. To attain the aims and objectives formed by the Trust, the College has set few goals:

To educate students from all strata of society and more focus on the weaker section

To inculcate professional skills and human values.

To prepare them for taking up competitive exams and develop competence skills among the students.

To make them environmentally conscious and inspire to make society and the Campus eco friendly

To endorse the ICT in teaching, learning and research

To motivate for maximum participation in sports and cultural programs and extracurricular activities.

To carry out the extension services for the betterment of the society,
Important: Please always Check and Confirm the above details with the official website and Advertisement / Notification.

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