GSEB HSC Science Result 2020 Declare on 17Th May
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The Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board (GSEB) conducted its exams for both Science and General Streams in the month of March. Gujarat Board 12th Result 2019 for Science will be declared on 17 th May 2020 at 8 am on the official website gseb ...
Check GSEB HSC Result 2020 - Gujarat Board HSC Exams 2020 will started on 7th March ... GSEB Class 12th (Science) Results 2020
GSEB HSC Science Result 2020 – GSEB is expected to declare GSEB HSC result in the month of May. It is declared for Science and General stream online at Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board (GSEB) declares 12th result by online mode only. To check the result, students need their 6-digit seat number. Students need a minimum of 33% marks to pass the exam. Check more details on GSEB HSC result 2020 from this page.
Last year, Gujarat board released the result for Science stream on May 09. Whereas, the result for General stream was declared on May 25. Hence, for this year, it is also expected that HSC result 2020 will be announced in May. You can check the past trends for declaration of GSEB HSC result in the table below.
GSEB HSC Result 2020: Gujarat Board 12th class result will be announced on 17 th May 2020 for Science stream only. All GSEB HSC students who have appeared in 2019-20 session board exams will be able to check their GSEB HSC Result 2020 by using their roll number and date of birth. The result will be announced online. After that students can check their result on the official portal of the conducting authority. Board will release separate result for all streams of class 12th.
Gujarat Secondary and Higher Education Board (GSHEB) is the state education Board of Gujarat. It is headquartered in Gandhinagar. It is commonly known as Gujarat Board that works under the Education Department of Gujarat Government. It is responsible for regulating and conducting high school, intermediate and other state level examinations in the state. Gujarat Board was established in 1960.
Result will be Declared On 17 th May 8 A.M
GSEB HSC result 2020: The Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary education board are responsible for regulating and conducting the examination for HSC standard. The GSEB HSC examination will be commenced from March 7 and will continue up to March 2020. For the session 2018, Gujarat board announce the result on May 12 for Science stream and May 31 for the general group. Based on the previous year declaration students can expect the Gujarat GSEB HSC result 2019 to be out in May or June 2019. GSEB HSC Result 2019 will be available online on the official website, i.e. To check the Gujarat 12th result, the students will have to submit the seven-digit seat number.
GSEB HSC Result 2020-12th Science Stream Result details:
The Responsibility of the board is to declare the result of an Intermediate board examination. The GSEB HSC result will be stated separately for all stream. The result will be announced for the science stream in the first week of May and the general stream in the last week of May 2020.
Name of Board :::: Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary education Board
Name of Examination ::: Gujarat Board SSC/HSC Examination
Result declaration ::::: 17-05-2020 8.00 A.M.
Oficial site ::::
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