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If you eat Lime (chuno), the brain will work like a computer and it is beneficial for about 70 diseases.

If you eat Lime (chuno), the brain will work like a computer and it is beneficial for about 70 diseases.

Today, GujjuMoj has brought about the quality of lime in Ayurvedic terms. Ayurveda has said that lime is more acute in more than 70 diseases. We will know about how much and how many people to take this limestone.

► 1. Feed the chickpeas regularly as the grains of children who do not grow high. You can give this chicken by mixing it with yogurt, dal or hot water to the baby.

► 2. The lime beneficiaries are also responsible for those who have jaundice. Half a glass of sugarcane to give it to the patient by taking a gram of wheat grains.

► 3. Lime is the best treatment for babies whose brains are low or lax. Give these babies a year of regular wheat grains like yogurt, dal or hot water.

► 4. Lime is the best combination of broken bones.

► 5. If you have pains in the foot or foot pneumonia, eat lime regularly.

► 6. If there is a wide range of teeth in the teeth, there is a problem of teeth, or there is a tooth problem, then lime will be very beneficial.

► 7. Lymph fixes the groin, joint pain

► 8. It also fixes endangered diseases like spondylitis.

► 9. Limestone can be filled only in the gap in the bead.

► 10. If lactation occurs in the body then lime rampant is a disease. Drink sugar as a grain of sugarcane, orange juice, or pomegranate juice. In the morning do the incubation of empty stomach.

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