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How to apply for Marriage Certificate in India: Your complete guide

How to apply for Marriage Certificate in India: Your complete guide

Marriage in India is considered a sacrament. That is why our law covers marriage registration. Marriage registration is a necessity for any couple. Those who have learned or are illiterate, must fulfill their obligations.


marriage certy process gujarat

marriage certy process gujarat

Friends, let's know the process of registering a marriage. This means, the way to get a marriage certificate.

The documents and instructions needed to carry a marriage are as follows:

  •  Form No. 5 and Form No. 1 (Marriage Registration Department / online form is available)
  • The real copy of the living certificate of the bride and groom.
  •  The true copy of the bride and groom's election card and ration card.
  • Photograph of two passports size and wedding couple photo of both the bride and groom.
  •  The example of Gour Maharaj, the Kankotari Original and Xerox copy.
  •  The true copy of the election card and ration cards of Gorda Maharaj and both party witnesses.
  •  To keep all the evidence in two copies and the bride and groom sign the evidence.
  • To keep up with all the original certifications to show.
  •  Filling the marriage application form with a dark ball pen and a checker in the clerk should be insured.
  •  Both the bride and groom should be present at the time of marriage registration.

The fees for marriage registration are as follows:

  1.  If the registration is done within one month from the date of marriage, the fee is Rs.5 / -.
  2.  If the registration is done within three months from the date of marriage, the fee is Rs. 15 / -.
  3.  If you register for a period of three months from the date of marriage, the fee is Rs 25 / -.

● Two agreements stamp of Rs.1100 + 100 on the form as well as Rs. Court stamps of Rs 3 / - should be imposed.
● Forms for marriage registration will be available free of charge from the marriage registration registrar.

Registrar for marriage registration:

◆ Talati cum minister for village panchayat
◆ Municipal Chief Officer or Health Officer
◆ Municipal Medical Officer (Health)
◆ Notified Area Chief Executive Officer

Ways to register a marriage:

In order to register marriage, marriage parties have to prepare the list of nomination in the designated sample and the registration of the place where the marriage has been done within thirty days from the date of marriage is to be given in the two copies of the registration list. For marriage registration, the form number-5 and form number-1 will be filled. Two witnesses will have to sign in the form. Then the Registrar will check the form and all the evidence you have given and if you find appropriate, issue a Marriage Certificate. You can get marriage registration certificate in both Gujarati and English languages.

Tatkal' Marriage Certificate In April 2014, the Revenue Department of Delhi government introduced a 'tatkal' service ensuring a single-day authorisation of the marriage under which the registration process will be undertaken on priority. The service, which became operational on April 22, 2014 enables citizens to register their nuptials and get a certificate issued within 24 hours on payment of Rs. 10,000 as a fee.

 Read More in Gujarati News sources
 REad Divybhaskar news report 

Advantages of marriage registration:

This marriage registration proves to be blessed in some circumstances. To create a document such as a marriage registration certificate for election card, license, support card, PAN card etc. are inevitable. The most important thing is that the only evidence of marriage support is also a marriage certificate. In addition to registering a name in the ration card, marriage certificate is necessary in order to make a passport, to take advantage of government schemes, to take advantage of pension in the job, and to various offices Important: Please always Check and Confirm the above details with the official website and Advertisement / Notification.

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