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Gujarat Red,orange and Green zone Advisory declared

Gujarat Red,orange and Green zone Advisory declared

Informing about the government's decisions, CMO secretary Ashwini Kumar said a meeting was held under the chairmanship of the chief minister yesterday evening. There are more cases of corona in metros, due to which lockdown has to be strictly followed. The state government has decided to tighten the corona-hit cities in the districts. No concessions will be given in metros like Ahmedabad, Surat, Vadodara, Bhavnagar, Gandhinagar. Even if Rajkot is in the Orange Zone, the Red Zone will also apply to the Rajkot metropolis. Rajkot city will not be given any more concessions. The corona transition is targeted to slow down and come out in the next 2 weeks. No concessions even in 6 municipal areas. The ban will also remain in Botad, Bopal, Godhra, Umreth municipal areas.

A lockdown has been imposed across the country, including the state, to prevent the spread of the corona virus. A high-level meeting chaired by Chief Minister Rupani took a number of important decisions regarding the lockdown. Informing about the decisions taken by the government, CMO secretary Ashwini Kumar said a meeting was held under the chairmanship of the chief minister in which it was decided that no concessions would be given in metros like Ahmedabad, Surat, Vadodara, Bhavnagar, Gandhinagar as there were more cases of corona. Apart from that, opening of Pan-Galla shop will not be allowed in the state. It is not allowed to open a leaf shop in any zone.

Apart from that, Ashwini Kumar said that due to the high number of corona cases in the state, strict adherence to lockdown is required. No office will be allowed to open except for necessities of life. Even though Rajkot is in the Orange Zone, there will be no concessions in the lockdown.

Besides, Ashwini Kumar said that beauty parlors and salons could be opened in the green and orange zones. Apart from that, ST bus service will also be started in the green zone.



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Tag : Corona

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