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Gujarat Corona update date 4-5-2020

Gujarat Corona update date 4-5-2020

The state has reported 376 positive cases of corona in the last 24 hours and 29 patients have died while 153 patients have recovered. Thus far 5804 patients have been registered and the death toll has reached 319.

Three new positive cases have been reported in Banaskantha district. While a report of a jawan at Vadsar Air Force Station near Kalol has come positive. In Bhavnagar with a total of 17 new cases, the total number of positive patients in the state has reached 5449, while the total death toll in the state has reached 290 and a total of 1042 patients have returned home. Chief Minister's Secretary Ashwini Kumar said consideration was being given to allowing Saurashtra residents living in Surat to return to their hometowns. They will be screened when they are allowed to return home. He will undergo a medical examination when he reaches his hometown. As well as having to stay home quarantine for 14 days after getting admission in the homeland. A 14-day quarantine is mandatory and then a month's stay. They will not be allowed to return.

Important events since the morning of May 4th

Today 9600 workers will be sent home in 8 trains: Ashwin Kumar

Chief Minister's Secretary Ashwini Kumar said arrangements have been made to send foreigners from Gujarat to their hometowns. Workers are being sent to their hometowns by bus and train. Today, five trains have been arranged from Surat, three to Odisha, one to Bihar and one to Jharkhand. While two trains from Ahmedabad will take workers from Bihar and one train from Nadiad will take workers from Uttar Pradesh. These eight trains will send 9600 foreign workers home. So far 21500 workers have been sent home through 18 trains.

Police sending government-private personnel back to Ahmedabad from Gandhinagar

The system has become alert as there is a sudden increase in positive cases in Gandhinagar. Police are enforcing the lockdown with tight security. The sudden increase in cases in Gandhinagar is believed to be due to the influx from Ahmedabad. As a result, tight security has been set up at all the borders of the capital. Government and private employees coming from Ahmedabad to Gandhinagar are being sent back. The Deputy Secretary and above are being allowed to go to the Secretariat. While Class 3 and Class 4 employees are not being let go.

More than 300 positive cases were reported for the fifth day in a row

Corona’s care in the state is steadily increasing. For the fifth day in a row, more than 300 positive cases have been reported in the state. Earlier, 367 positive cases were reported on April 19, 308 on April 29, 313 on April 30, 326 on May 1 and 333 on May 2. For the fifth day in a row, more than 300 positive cases have been reported. The third phase of lockdown will start from today in Green Zone and Orange Zone with some concessions.

GCRI director suspended for not arranging bed for coronary member of staff

Dr. Shashank Pandya, Director, Gujarat Cancer Research Institute (GCRI) has been suspended. More than eight members of the staff have suspended Shashank Pandya for not arranging medicines or beds for him despite Koro being positive.

Pan-Mawa shop not to open in Orange, Green or Red Zone: CM's Secretary

Elaborating on the decision taken at a meeting chaired by the Chief Minister, Chief Minister's Secretary Ashwini Kumar said shops selling pan, gutkha, BD-cigarettes and liquor shops across the state could not be opened for another two weeks. Following this decision, no concessions will be given in Ahmedabad, Vadodara, Rajkot and Surat. The lockdown will be strictly enforced even though Rajkot is in the Orange Zone. Must stay at home from 7pm to 7am in each zone.

Haircutting salons, beauty parlors, tea stalls can be kept open in Orange and Green zones.

Under the decision, haircutting salons, beauty parlors and tea-coffee shops-tea stalls will be open in the Orange and Green Zone declared areas. Cab and taxi services in the Orange and Green Zone areas can be turned on with the driver plus two passengers. ST buses will be able to run with a maximum of 50 passengers in the declared green zone areas and inter-district and district internal bus services will be started in the green zone areas.


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Tag : Corona

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