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enjoy online Entertainment show tarak maheta ka ulta chasma

enjoy online Entertainment show tarak maheta ka ulta chasma

enjoy online Entertainment show tarak maheta ka ulta chasma

The series takes place in an apartment complex surrounded by the Gada family of Gokuldham Society, Gurgaon East, Mumbai in which the successful businessman Jethalal Champakalal Gada, his father Champaklal Jayantilal Gada, his wife Daya and his naughty son Tipendra Gada (Tapu) as "Tapu". Friend is the leader of the circle. Living in 'Gokuldham Co-operative Society'
Jethalal calls his father Champaklal to keep an eye on Tepu but goes against and he joins Tapu. Most of the episodes are based on Jethalal being trapped in a problem, and his best friend Tariq Mehta helps him with what Jethalal calls a "fire brigade".

The show covers topics related to social issues. Residents of Gokuldham face the problems of daily life and seek solutions for it but also with moral value. Although the Gokuldham Society comprises 50 flats but the show is mostly focused on the lives of families, that is; Jethalal Champakalal Gada, Gujarati; Tarak Mehta, who hails from Rajasthan; Atmaram Tukaram Bhide, who is from Marathi culture; Hansraj Elephant, Bihari Overweight Doctor; Krishnan Yair, a Chennai-based physician, is a Bengali but Bengali wife; Roshan Singh Sodhi, a Punjabi, but he is a Persian wife and Bopal's journalist, Popatlal, has been a graduate for years. They always help each other in their problems, thus promoting unity in diversity.

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Current AU students can select from over 100 online classes offered during the autumn , Spring and Summer sessions. AU undergraduate and graduate students can find many options to satisfy curriculum requirements, to explore special topics, or to figure toward degree completion while studying or researching aboard. Online summer classes offer an excellent thanks to earn AU credits, even while you can't get on campus!
Visiting Non-Degree (Non-AU) Students seeking to supplement the courses offered by their home institutions or to earn credits during the summer sessions may enroll in AU's online classes. Always consult your academic advisor at your home institution to make sure that classes taken at American University are going to be accepted for credit, since the transfer in fact and degree credits are determined by the receiving institution.
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