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Alert: After Bengal, now it is the turn of West India, a hurricane will strike

Alert: After Bengal, now it is the turn of West India, a hurricane will strike

Alert: After Bengal, now it is the turn of West India, a hurricane will strike

Along with Ahmedabad Corona, India is also facing natural calamities. After Cyclone Amfa wreaked havoc in West Bengal, a new cyclone pattern is now forming in the Arabian Sea, which is feared to engulf West India.
"So far, there is no depression or cyclone in the Arabian Sea," said Skymet, a private meteorological agency. The current cyclone circulation in the southeastern Arabian Sea will create a low-pressure pressure, which could create a large pressure and go further and take the form of a large hurricane, although we will have to wait until then.

It will head northwest to Oman and reach the coast of Oman around May 31st. So around May 30, a hurricane is expected to form over the southeastern Arabian Sea. Which may move towards low pressure areas as well as intensify at low pressure and is expected to move along the coast of Gujarat by 3rd June. Heavy rains are expected along the east coast of the country, especially in Maharashtra and Gujarat, from early June.

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