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Odisha, Maharashtra post lockdown till April 30, CM announces

Odisha, Maharashtra post lockdown till April 30, CM announces 

After Odisha, Punjab, Maharashtra has also increased lockdown till April 30. CM Thackeray has announced a rise in Saturday's lockdown. "In some places the lockdown needs to be tightened," Thackeray said. If not, the difficulties will increase. The virus does not see the caste. It may be recalled that Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray had earlier told the Prime Minister in a video conference about increasing lockdown in the state.

Odisha, Maharashtra post lockdown till April 30, CM announces

After Odisha, Punjab, Maharashtra has also increased lockdown till April 30. CM Thackeray has announced a rise in Saturday's lockdown. "In some places the lockdown needs to be tightened," Thackeray said. If not, the difficulties will increase. The virus does not see the caste. It may be recalled that Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray had earlier told the Prime Minister in a video conference about increasing lockdown in the state.

"I believe the lockdown will remain unchanged even after April 14," Uddhav said. I understand that working from home is difficult but I am also working from home and so do you. The lockdown is to continue until at least April 30 in the future. I'm saying this, at least, because it depends on whether people stay at home or not.

Thackeray said, if you all live well, we will win against this corona. By April 30, if people make mistakes, we can win one. Until April 14, we will tell you what the nature of this extended time limit will be. What this will do for workers as well as for workers.



Thackeray said the corona test has increased drastically in the state in the last few days. About 33 thousand corona tests have been performed and 1574 samples have been positive. 30477 has come negative. 188 patients have been sent home. The number of coronary patients is increasing in the state. But we're doing our best to stop the transition. Important: Please always Check and Confirm the above details with the official website and Advertisement / Notification.
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