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Health Ministry Starting Real-Time Covid-19 Answers on Twitter Via

Health Ministry Starting Real-Time Covid-19 Answers on Twitter Via @CovidIndiaSeva

The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW) has introduced Covid India Seva, a Twitter handle that aims to offer fast, real time responses to user queries about Covid-19 related topic. The handle was announced by union health minister Dr. Harsh Vardhan, who stated that on the @CovidIndiaSeva handle, "experts will share authoritative public health information regarding Covid-19 swiftly at scale, helping to build a direct channel for communication with citizens."


The central government has once again resorted to technology to ensure accurate information about coronaviruses and to alert people. The Union Health Ministry has launched a 'CovidIndiaSeva' account on Twitter. Union Health Minister Dr. Harshvardhan has given his information by tweeting.
The government launched the platform in 2016, along with Twitter. He is now being handled by the Ministry of Health.
Question raised with account tagging will be answered promptly
On this account, users will get information about the facilities created by the government gate due to coronavirus. Questions with account tagging will be answered promptly. A team is working for him. User queries that will be assigned to a private account or authority. And the user's problem will be solved by tweeting information.

Information on how to protect against coronavirus will be provided by tweeting
As of Tuesday evning, this account has been followed by 1665 users. The account provides information on how to increase immunity and take precautions to avoid coronavirus by sharing timely graphics.
The channel is being hosted on Twitter Seva, which is specifically designed for such tasks. The Covid India Seva handle will work as an official digital hotline of sorts, through which individuals can seek help from government authorities. Twitter has further claimed that its multi-lingual platform (in which Hindi is the second most used language after English) will help the government reach out to a wider volume of users and answer their queries. This can further help curb any Covid-19 related misinformation on Twitter, by providing an official information channel for users to interact with.

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Tag : Corona

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