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Whatsapp New Important Feature: Finger Lock Now Available In whatsapp app

Whatsapp New Important Feature: Finger Lock Now Available In whatsapp app

WhatsApp has officially rolled out the fingerprint unlock feature for all the Android users. Usually, we have to install a third-party app to put a lock on apps like WhatsApp just add a little more security to their data. Keeping that in mind and to make the process quicker and safer at the same time, WhatsApp has now enrolled this new feature so that you can just open the app by a fingerprint. It was previously available for Android Beta users but is now available for all Android users.

How to enable WhatsApp fingerprint unlock feature on Android smartphone

Step 1: Open WhatsApp and tap on three dots at the top right corner

Step 2: Settings> Account> Privacy> Fingerprint lock

Step 3: Turn on the toggle for fingerprint lock

Step 4: Verify your fingerprint when prompted

Step 5: You can choose the automatic lock time span from — Immediately, After 1 minute, and After 30 minutes And that is it. Now your WhatsApp fingerprint lock is activated.

Important Notes For Whatsapp Finger Lock Option:: 

You need to update your WhatsApp version to the two.19.221 Android beta version in order to use the Fingerprint lock feature.

Previous update would possibly get the feature moreover, but WhatsApp is always used to enable features in recent updates (that might contain bug fixes and improvements for the feature), so you should install the two.19.221 update as above mentioned.

If you have already updated but you don’t see the feature, please back up your chat history and reinstall WhatsApp if you don’t want to wait more.

Every time you reinstall WhatsApp, the most updated configurations from the server are downloaded, enabling the feature for you.

If you've got reinstalled the app and also the feature persists to not be enabled, don’t worry: if your device meets the wants, the feature are mechanically visible within the next updates very soon!

Fingerprint lock doesn’t block calls, but it does hide messages and other logs behind another layer of security which is always a nice option to have. Users may set a timer on the automated lock to forestall the fingerprint dialog from showing on every occasion they open up the appliance

Important: Please always Check and Confirm the above details with the official website and Advertisement / Notification.
Tag : Application

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