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Vhali Dikri Yojna Full Detail Form PDf Download

Vhali Dikri Yojna Full Detail Form PDf Download

Vhali Dikri Yojna Full Detail Budget 2019-20 gujarat

Finance Minister Nitin Patel in his budget speech today announced a new scheme ‘Vhali Dikri Yojana’.

‘A girl child among first two children of family will get benefit of this scheme. Beneficiary girl child on her entry to first standard in school will get Rs. 4,000, in 9th standard she will get Rs. 6,000 and when she completes 18-year age she will get Rs. 1 lakh,’ Nitin Patel said.

He said the scheme will improve sex ratio, it will encourage girl child education and avail a big amount for higher education and wedding.

Gujarat Vahali Dikri Yojana Eligibility

Gujarat Vhali Dikari Yojana is going to improve the birth rate of girls and will strengthen the socio-economic status of the girls in society. All the applicants must fulfill the following eligibility criteria to become eligible for Vahali Dikri Yojana:-

Applicant must be a permanent resident of Gujarat state.

The girls must belong to a poor family with annual income of less than 2 LAkhs.

Gil Must  Born after 2-8-2019

Vhali Dikri Yojna Benefits Till 2 Girl.

Age Of mother Nust be more than 18 year At time of Birth of Girl

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Vhali Dikri Yojna Notification

The scheme according to Patel will be availed to families with upto Rs. 2 lakh income per year.

The State government has made allocation of Rs. 133 crore for this scheme in financial year 2019-20 budget.

In an effort to increase the birth rate of girls and to combat female feticide, the Gujarat government has launched 'Vali Dairy Scheme' in the budget. Under the scheme, when the girl crosses the age of 18, the Finance Minister, Nitin Patel, announced in the Assembly that the government will give him Rs one lakh.

Financial Assistance In Vahali Dikri Yojana

The amount to 1st and 2nd daughters of the family would be given in the following manner:

1st instalment  :::: For admission in First Class ::::: Rs.4000

2nd instalment ::::: For admission in Class 10th Std ::::: Rs.6000

3rd instalment :::: At the age of 18 years :::: Rs.1 lakh

Document  Require For Vhali Dikri Yojana ::: 

Birth Crtificate Of Daughter

Adhar Card Of Father

Adhar Card Of Mother

Birth certificate Of mother

Income certificate

Other Documents

Girls' education is already free in the state.  Vhali Dikri Yojna From pdf Download I am announcing the implementation of the Whale Child Scheme to strengthen the economic, social status of girls, to reduce the dropout rate in education and to prevent child marriage. The Deputy Chief Minister said that in this scheme, the benefits of this scheme will be available to the girls of the first two children of the family. At the time of admission in the first grade of the girl Rs.4000, another Rs.6000 at the time of 9th standard and when she crosses the age of 18, she will be given Rupees one lakh. Finding a large amount of money for the higher education and wedding ceremony of the girl child. The benefit of this scheme will be available to the family with annual income of Rs 2 lakh. A provision of Rs.133 crore has been made for this.

On the above mentioned plan, the Deputy Chief Minister said that the government is consulting with financial institutions like Banks and LIC on this scheme. The government will provide high interest rates. The interest of the scheme will run.

Key Features of the Vahali Dikri Scheme

The below listed are the key features of the scheme:

The Gujarat Government wants to ensure that every girl child of the state should be adequate education.

With the implementation of this scheme, the Government will offer financial assistance to the parents of female students as they receive the amount to send their girls to school.

This scheme eliminates the social evils in the society and helps the girls with a better standard of living.

 Under this project, the Gujarat government has promised financial assistance of Rs.1,10,000 to every applicant who becomes a registered beneficiary.

 The full amount will be deposited in the beneficiaries accounts in three separate instalments.

The beneficiaries will get the subsidy in their account at the fixed time frame by the government.

In the recent Gujarat Budget 2019-20, the state government has allocated Rs.133 crore for Vahli Dikri Yojana.

This scheme aims to create sustainable growth of all these people that further helps with improving their standard of living in society.

When the girl will take admission in class 1, then the sum of Rs. 4000 will be credited to her account. Again, when she successfully completes the 8th standard examination and gets admission in 9th standard, the government will credit her account with Rs.6000.

 After completing and passing the examination of class 12, the Gujarat government will make the transfer of Rs.1 lakh in the bank accounts of the respective beneficiaries.

The registered beneficiary will be able to withdraw the sum of Rs.1 lakh from her bank account once she attains the legal age of 18 years. She is free to use the funds for vocational training, higher education or to meet the expenses of marriage.


 Download Vhali Dikri Yojna Form click here

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