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Regarding the planning of Demostration Program for the Self-Defense ""SAKHAM""Training of Girls in Government Schools on March 8, 2020.

Regarding the planning of Demostration Program for the Self-Defense ""SAKHAM""Training of Girls in Government Schools on March 8, 2020.

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As to arranging of Demostration Program for the Self-Defense ""SAKHAM""Training of Girls in Government Schools on March 8, 2020.

As to above subject, it is to be expressed that on the eighth March, 2020, on the event of Women's Day, a program is being composed for the self-instruction preparing of all young ladies in all Government schools of the State.

**Meeting at region level**

met a gathering in area together by the joint endeavor of the self-preservation preparing arranging board of trustees and individuals from the police division of the region and the organizations from which the locale has been prepared.

***Planning a program***

Sorting out the program as indicated by the OD day design.

Show of self-protection preparing to in any event one thousand young ladies of the area base camp schools at region level. Exhibition of self preservation preparing. For which to pick the field central station in the grade school or optional school.

Group level Demonstration of self-protection preparing to in any event 200 young ladies in all bunch schools. Pay for Center School Selecting another elementary school or optional school field or other field.

*Keep program time between 8-00 and 9-00 hours in the morning*

Unique solicitations to the Officer Officers of District Officers of District Taluka and all ladies officials in the program. After the consummation of the program, orchestrate nutritious eating routine for all government assistance. As to practice of the program with all the young ladies consistently from March first and reschedule the program on the field to plan the program two or three days ahead of time.

Exceptional consideration ought to be taken for young ladies taking an interest in the program at area and locale level with the goal that the region base camp are at the school of the region central command.

Moreover, young ladies of standard 10 and 12 are excluded. The coincidental cost required for the entire program, which will be simply the essential and auxiliary choice of the self-preservation preparing in that area.

Concerning arranging of Demostration Program for the Self-Defense ""SAKHAM""Training of Girls in Government Schools on March 8, 2020.

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