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Innovative Teachers Innovative Experiments at the Power Education Innovation Festival Part 1

Innovative Teachers Innovative Experiments at the Power Education Innovation Festival Part 1


રાજ્યકક્ષાના ઇનોવેશન ફેસ્ટીલ ૨૦૨૧-૨૨ ના આયોજન બાબત


NAYARA on the TowE NAVTAR CENTER FOR INNOVATIONS IN EDUCATIoN AGCERTINITIATIVE Innovative Experience of Innovative Teachers at the SUPPORT Education Innovation Festival Part 1 - 2 NAYARA 0 SEE!  E N E R GY ITUNE Levelopyririt four sollin '

Friends of Saraswat About the Innovation Project, Feeling of joy when you are putting a wealth of innovative experiments in the field of "novelty" education.  This is a year-round hard work of teachers, a testimony of the teachers.  This collection contains a collection of three books.  In which the novel experiments presented by the teachers at the state-level Innovation Festival are organized on a subjective basis.  Part 1: Language, social science and value education Part 1: Mathematics, science, the environment, co-curricular activities and sports - Part 1: ICT and technology, health and nutrition, administrative, attendance and public participation.  C.  E.  R .  T  Is an attempt of.

  If any teacher or educationist wants to innovate in education then the forum for you is innovation.  Generally there is a high level of concern for the quality of education and it should take school information as the basis.  But this is a program in which teachers themselves try to diagnose their problem.  Innovative experiments that are most effective from all over the district are first performed at the Education Innovation Festival at the district level.  Where teachers from all schools in the district come to see and understand these innovative experiments.  And then the selected new experiments from the district are presented at the state level festival.  And this book has been put in the sumput.  To carry out this entire process, an Innovation Cell has been set up at the District Education and Training Bhavan - Diet in each district and the Diet Professor is acting as its coordinator.  Who provide guidance to teachers throughout the year.  This year, the district cell also joined one of the DIC friends - a key resource person - KRP friends.  They too worked with DIC friends in this task.  As part of this year the registration of all teacher friends will be available at Navratna Portal www.  gcertnavtar.  Could be on.  And the novel experiments put forth in this book as well as all the novel experiments presented at the district level can be viewed on this portal.  We are doing this with a view to discovering a child's future.  In this regard, our opinions will be very important to us.  Thanks, the Navrat team

Contribution and guidance of the recruitment process contributors:  T  S.  Joshi, Director, Dist.  C.  E.  R .  T  , Gandhwang 3/367 District level integration: Dr.  Jibhai Desai, Salim Chiba, Bharat Der, Dr.  Satish Tiwari, Dr.  Nipad Ojha, Dr.  Varshapapati, Dr.  Marked Mwani, Vashram Baldaniya, Vipul Vaza, Hemang Waghlea, Ramesh Ghorecha, Roslyn Suevara, Anil B.  Patel, Jitesh Chikani, Dr.  Kanti Parmar, V.  M Papania, Jignesh Kanani, Gosai, Dr.  Bindu Patel, Dr.  Omega Pandav, Seema Yadav, Meenakshi Rawal, Deepak A.  Chauhan, Govind Bhoya, b.  like this .  Solanki, Jay Tailor, Dr.  Malde Chitria, Dr., Nishat Babi, D.  Deepika Chowdhury, Dr.  Pankaj Parmar, Palsing Chowdhury, Bela Shah, Mahendra Patel, Compilation and Editing: Dr.  Amrita Badheka, ITUVI Development Foundation Suggestions: Partesh Pandya, Shivani Jain, Parth Teraiya, ITUVI Development Foundation Design, Layout & Printing: Charcoal The Today, Ahmedabad Collaboration Dhruvash Gajjar, iTuVi Foundation Development.  C.  E.  R .  T  , Nayara Energy Limited and the ITUV Development Foundation Copy: 1st Edition: 1st Dist. Gujarat Council of Educational Research and Training (GRET) is an important state-level institute for enhancing quality education in primary and secondary schools.  G.  C.  E.  R .  T  It is a fully structured state level educational institution and is also guided by the administrative committee.  Naira Energy Limited: Naira Energy Limited is an independent oil company with a strong presence in the hydrocarbon chain from refining to retailing, corporate social responsibility for Naira NG has been an integral part of its business structure.  Nayara Energy appreciates the social and economic diversity of the country and engages communities in its business planning and management process.

  Ivy is an organization working for education, training, the environment, sustainable development initiatives and other social responsibility initiatives.

Innovative Teachers Innovative Experiments at the Power Education Innovation Festival Part 1


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