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Std-3 To 8 Students Oral Reading Speed

Std-3 To 8 Students Oral Reading Speed

Many resources indicate that the average reading speed of most adults is around 200 to 250 words per minute. College students, probably because they must practice reading, move that pace up a notch to around 300 words per minute. To put this into perspective we can turn to public speaking and the comparison of the rate of speaking and the rate at which people can comprehend the spoken word.

An experienced public speaker will deliver his or her message at a rate of about 160 words per minute. It is possible to speak more rapidly, but it is recommended that readers for recorded books speak at around this pace because it is comfortable for most listeners. However, some speakers – such as auctioneers – can speak at a rate of up to 400 words per minute. By comparison, we form thoughts at around 1000 – 3000 words per minute, which gives the average listener lots of time to wool-gather, plan menus, and argue with the speaker.

Now, let’s bring these statistics back and apply them to reading speed. Reading is a complex process that involves a variety of factors. These include being able to discern different sounds as they make up a word and to interpret the various combinations of letters, especially when “sounding out” new or unfamiliar words. Reading teachers will use buzz words such as “sight words” or words that readers recognize without having to sound out the letters phonetically. Students who have difficulty associating sounds with letters might have difficulty learning to read. It is for this reason that it takes a special set of teaching (and learning) skills for a hearing-impaired child to learn to read. Students who can quickly associate a sound with a letter have a boost toward excellent reading skills. But that does not mean that students who do not have those skills cannot become good readers.

Students who are visual learners also have a leg up when learning to read. On the other hand, students who have visual difficulty or other learning obstacles such as poor correspondence between hand and eye, might find the process of learning to read frustrating – especially if being taught using traditional methods. Curiously, it has been discovered that dyslexic or ADD students who do boost their reading speed come to enjoy the reading process far more than they did when they were struggling. The increased reading speed allows them to process information faster and that increases their ability to maintain interest and focus on the material.

In fact, this ability to focus on the material, to take it in and to retain it is the whole point of increasing reading speed, no matter who the reader might be. It has been argued by some that the process of pushing for greater reading speed lowers comprehension. This is both true and untrue, and the threshold for reading with good comprehension is different for different people, and changes with the amount of reading practice.

Std-3 To 8 Students
Oral Reading Speed
(Mukh Vanchan Zadap)

Jaruri Patrako
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