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Primary school Pravas Manjuri mate ni Darkhast Checklist Mujab Karva babat paripatra - Sabarkantha

Primary school Pravas Manjuri mate ni Darkhast Checklist Mujab Karva babat paripatra - Sabarkantha

Pravas Manjuri paripatra : Circular to allocate activity grants under Pragya class equipments in primary schools under the scheme of 2019-20, Government of Gujarat

 The 'Pragya Approach' has been implemented in whole Gujarat under the education system from June 2010 onwards.  According to the information received from Pragya schools from all the districts / corporations of the state, the state's current status  In total 37695 units of 1-2 total are working as per Pragya Approach.

 All the Pragyan Literature required for the standard 1-2 is prepared by the members of the state's core team so that the teachers and children of the school connected with the pragya approach can work according to the process of orientation.  Essential material in prepared Pragyan literature - Materials, T.  L .  like this .  Information on the reference literature is given as well.  In addition, there is a need for a variety of ancillary material for the activities provided in the Pragyan literature, with the intention of educating the children in that subject and the ancillary activities as well as the children to move in a certain direction through various activities according to their interests and interests.  Collect and buy children from other sources  Is to provide adequate materials.

Pravas Manjuri Checklist: Such as things like pencils, slatpans, rubber, conductors, cayenne color, sketchpen, glue, blank paper, colored paper, card sheets, folded paper, figurines, poisons, tildes, chandeliers, beads, portfolio bags, etc.  General Chat Chat Lounge  ).

 For this purpose, the proposal made under the relevant resolution has been approved under the Materials for Activities in Pragya Class in the Budget 2019-20 of the State Government for the necessary grants for Pragya teachers to produce / accommodate the required teaching materials and material.  Considering the total budget limit under the wages received under 'Pragya Class Activities Materials' for the content of activities in Pragya class in the current year's Budget of the State Government - as per the roll out for the Pratima approach as per the standard 1-2 unit of schools for education.  Rs.  As per 900, the activity will have to be deposited directly from the district corporation level to the bank account of the concerned SMC under the orders of the Accounting Branch here.

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Primary school Pravas Manjuri mate ni Darkhast Checklist Mujab Karva babat paripatra - Sabarkantha


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