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New Updates On SAS, Bonafied Certy Aded In SAS.

New Updates On SAS, Bonafied Certy Aded In SAS.

SAS updates new future of Bonifed certy. On base of child tracking data teachers can download Bonafied certy.

SAS New Updates 1 And 2, SAS Student Parinam Patrak Update Kevi Rite Karsho.


Updated two in Step 2B in the Monthly Sheet

1. Does the school have CCTV cameras?

2. Is Achat the Principal or not?

Update this when filling out a monthly form.


All result sheets have been updated as per the directions of the Honorable Director.

Download the student data from SSA CHILD TRACKING EXCEL and save it as the name of the school dias code, then upload the excel file directly to the result sheet and add the children's details.

* Results rollout matter. *

* How To Do Student Assessment On SAS Gujarat Portal? *

* Why add a new class? *

* Why upload all student information from Excel file? *

* Why add a classroom teacher? *

* Why would you add what subject a teacher is teaching in that class? *

* Why fill out the form ABC? *

* Why fill out a sheet of ABC print? 

* The answer to each of the above questions is in the video below. So share and share. *

* Request for access to this information to all principals and to all teachers *

* Very useful *


sas ma result kevi rite banavvu?

How to do Student Assessment on SAS Gujarat Portal?

Why add a new class?

Why upload all student information from Excel file?

Why add a teacher?

So why add a topic to which teacher is teaching in that class?

Why fill out the letter ABC?

Why fill out a print of ABC?

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