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Gujarat Ni TAMAM RTO KACHERI MA THI Agent Pratha Bandh Karva Babat RTO COMMISSIONER NO LATEST Circular DATE:-04/09/2019.

Gujarat Ni TAMAM RTO KACHERI MA THI Agent Pratha Bandh Karva Babat RTO COMMISSIONER NO LATEST Circular DATE:-04/09/2019.

Home loans are usually accompanied by the following additional costs: a) Processing fee: It's a fee payable to the lender on applying for a loan. It is either a fixed amount not linked to the loan or may also be a percentage of the loan amount. b) Prepayment Penalties: When a loan is paid back before the end of the agreed duration a penalty is charged by some banks/companies, which is usually between 1% and 2% of the amount being pre paid. c) Commitment Fees: Some institutions levy a commitment fee in case the loan is not availed of within a stipulated period of time after it is processed and sanctioned. d) Miscellaneous costs: It is quite possible that some lenders may levy a documentation or consultant charges.

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