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Use Kaizala Actions to send a photo with the location

Use Kaizala Actions to send a photo with the location.

How can add photo with location in kaizala application.

How to use Photo with Location Feature in Kaizala App?

With Photo with Location feature available inKaizala, now field workers can easily share location with their managers or their team members  . The Photo with Location action came up with Kaizala app, it  allows you to share real-time photo information with others, along with the GPS coordinates to show where the photo was taken.
We, at Foetron, are a team of Cloud Evangelists who sell Office 365, provide migration & deployment resources and train organizations on Office 365, Teams, Project, Visio, Yammer, Delve, Planner, Booking and Office productivity tools. We are working to empower organization to take the journey of digital transformation.

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1. Installation and quick start

Download Kaizala from Google Play Store for Android or App Store for iOS now. Activate with your phone number and get started right away. Click on the ‘+’ sign to create a group and add members from your contacts list or directly add the phone numbers. Give the group a name and you are all set. Try sending a Kaizala Action by clicking on the top right corner to bring up the Kaizala Actions palette. Try sending a Quick Poll or an Announcement to see Kaizala in Action. If you don’t have anyone in your network on Kaizala, you can still add them to the group and then click on Group Name to send an invite to all the members who are not on Kaizala.

Identify scenarios

It is advisable to have a few use cases for Kaizala in mind for your organization before you begin the deployment. Here are some videos depicting Kaizala use cases, created with inspiration from real customers using Kaizala.

3. Define groups in Kaizala for your org

Once you have identified the use cases for Kaizala in your org, you need to create the right groups in Kaizala so that those use cases can be achieved effectively.

Kaizala provides 3 types of groups that can be used in isolation or in conjunction to support the various communication and collaboration needs of your organization – within its employees as well as with its value chain or employees.

Here are the types of groups, their properties, and commonly used scenarios where each of the group type is used by our existing customers:

, please refer here.

4. Start using Kaizala

Kaizala can be installed from Google Play Store for Android or App Store for iPhones.

4.1 Get Kaizala installed by your organizational users

Driving app installation in your org would be very critical to the success of this project. Here are some methods used by other customers:

Click on Group name in Kaizala app and click on Invite All to send a text message to invite all members.

Send out an email to people sharing value prop and a link to download.

Send out messages to the organizational WhatsApp groups with the download link.

Send out bulk SMSs to people with the download link.

Design Kaizala posters and place them at places where everyone can see it.

Incentivize people to install Kaizala with early bird winner or with quizzes or best picture submission survey, etc.

5. How to use Photo with Location Feature in Kaizala App?

  • Open Online attadence group or any group or any friends contacts.
  •  Click on attachment menu. In attachment you can get announcement, Job, Let's meet, Quick poll and Photo with Location.
  • Click on photo with Location and Capture photo on your Mobile. and send it.
  • Join Kaizala Best Educational group for Teachers Click on below Link.
  • Join Group : Click here
6. Check Images Photo with Location inKaizala Mobile Application.

Kaizala Application ma Selphy lidha bad tamaro foto with loaction kevu dekhashe e nichena fota dvara joi shako chho. ane tame pan try karo. Kaizala Shikshako matena best group ma join thao. join thava mate upar link aapel chhe. Tamara mitro ne pan aa group ma join karo
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