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* Able to answer some questions in context II *

 * 1.  Is it necessary to complete the module of section "B" other than the subject? *

 * Answer 1: * Yes, you have to complete all the modules you see on the dashboard.

 * 1.  What will be the training deadline? *

 * Answer 1: * You will be able to complete the training in a period of 6 months.

 * 1.  What to do in the module that instructs you to open from 7th? *

 * Answer 1: * This module will start on September 7, so you can study it only.

 * 1.  What to do if the wrong subject is mistakenly selected during registration? *

 * Answer 1: * If it was stated at the time of registration, it would have happened but now the subject will not be changed.

 * 1.  How do I start training if I don't get the message? *

 * Answer 1: * All the messages are given on the mobile number you have given at the time of registration, however if the message is not received then you can start with your teacher code, mobile number and password.  No need to wait for the message.

 * 6.  Is it possible to register and get training? *

 * Answer 6: * No,

 As many as 1,5,1 teachers have completed the registration in June and will be able to receive the same training.

* 7.  Login information has been forgotten. *SAMARTH ONLINE TALIM MAHTVAPURN QUESTIONS ANSWER MAST READ. 

* Able to answer some questions in context II *

 * 1.  Is it necessary to complete the module of section "B" other than the subject? *

 * Answer 1: * Yes, you have to complete all the modules you see on the dashboard.

 * 1.  What will be the training deadline? *

 * Answer 1: * You will be able to complete the training in a period of 6 months.

 * 1.  What to do in the module that instructs you to open from 7th? *

 * Answer 1: * This module will start on September 7, so you can study it only.

 * 1.  What to do if the wrong subject is mistakenly selected during registration? *

 * Answer 1: * If it was stated at the time of registration, it would have happened but now the subject will not be changed.

 * 1.  How do I start training if I don't get the message? *

 * Answer 1: * All the messages are given on the mobile number you have given at the time of registration, however if the message is not received then you can start with your teacher code, mobile number and password.  No need to wait for the message.

 * 6.  Is it possible to register and get training? *

 * Answer 6: * No,

 As many as 1,5,1 teachers have completed the registration in June and will be able to receive the same training.

* 7.  Login information has been forgotten. *


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