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As the term itself suggests, when a student completes a course away from an actual campus, it is generally called open learning. It is also known as distance learning. This type of learning includes many types of learning, including classes available through mail and also online classes.

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The development and acceptance of "Distance Education" both in the developed and developing countries is growing fast. The reason behind such an acceptance is its flexible approach and user friendly technique of education. It can provide a viable alternative for everyone who needs to pursue education further to expand his horizons of knowledge, to sharpen his existing knowledge, to upgrade his knowledge, skill and training and thereby, making learning a fulfilling experience.

Open learning means you study in your own time. You read course material, work on course activities, write assignments, and get the qualification.

From where do you learn ?

Is open learning suitable for you ?

What kind of support is available to the students ?

How exams are conducted ?


Currently, the BAOU offers 38 programmes and more than 1,00,000 learners have enrolled to pursue their educational goals.

You can surely be one of them!

Basics of Open University

Though open universities in India are gaining momentum, most of the potential students thinking of going for a course offered by an open university generally have a series of questions.

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Here we have tried to simplified the facts and aspects of open learning

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