GPSC class 1-2 Recruitment for Various Posts 2019.
Newspaper Format Advertisement for Online Advertisements - Advt. No. 01/2019-20 to 12/2019-2020
Total post:-1493
Taluka Development Officer
Deputy collector
Medical Officer 1493 Space
Other different places
Gujarat Public Service Commission has released the Recruitment Notifications for Class-1 & Class-2 posts for Recruitment. Gujarat Class-I, Class-II Recruitment Advertisement has been issued at OJAS Recruitment portal & On line Applications are invited for the following posts of Gujarat Administrative Service Class-I & Gujarat Civil Service Class- I & II,Gujarat Municipal Chief Officer Service, Class-II. The reservation for S.C., S. T., S. & E. B.C., & Women candidates is as under. You can submit the online application form as given in Advt. Aspirants can check below the all other details of GPSC Class 1, Class 2 Recruitment Notification 2019 such as Eligibility Criteria, important dates, application method, fee, selection process, result, etc.
starting from 15.07.201913:00 to 31.07.2019 13:00
Important Dates:::
Apply online start from 15-7-2019
Last date for apply online:: 31-7-2019
start from 15-7-2019
Important: Please always Check and Confirm the above details with the official website and Advertisement / Notification.
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