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Strengthening Cyclone Vayu to slam into western India with damaging winds, flooding rain

Strengthening Cyclone Vayu is expected to be the equivalent of a Category 1 hurricane when it slams into Gujarat in western India early on Thursday.

Vayu will continue to strengthen over the warm waters of the Arabian Sea through midweek.

Vayu intensified into a severe cyclonic storm (the equivalent of a strong tropical storm in the northern Pacific and Atlantic oceans).

Residents of western and central Gujarat should be making preparations for Vayu to slam onshore as an even stronger severe cyclonic storm early on Thursday morning, local time (early Wednesday night EDT).

It is possible that Vayu will intensify into a very severe cyclonic storm (the equivalent of a strong Category 1 or Category 2 hurricane) before barreling into Gujarat.

Schools and colleges in the district of Rajkot have canceled classes on Thursday, according to India Today. The government is deploying 10 teams of personnel from the National Disaster Response Force to Saurashtra and Kutch.


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